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Nar Shaddaa Refugee Quad bugs


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Aaida can't get out of the Refugee Quad because of the Exchange thugs at the exit.

Fine. However, I can't kill them. I can talk to them and tell them to start fighting, but I guess I have a lot of persuade skill, because they don't dare to fight me. When I chose to fight them anyway (for that I get DS points, which I don't want), I can only fight the one that's not a gammorean. The gammorean doesn't do anything, and I can't attack it (I get a talk-to-cursor, not an attack cursor). If I click him (talk-to-mode), nothing happens.


And Aaida can't get out.



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This happened to me during my last playthrough... walk (or run) about the Quad "maze" making sure to cover all the areas... basically... run around in cirscles and taking all the turns you come to...


eventually... either the Gamorrean will turn hostile.. or you'll hit a 'trigger' area that will update your journal entry. Once it updates... (either by trigger or Gamorrean death) go speak to Aaida :)


I think the trigger area is near the Refugee entrance near the "sick" man's side of the quad...

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Originally posted by skitzo

I have already covered the whole area... Nothing happens :(

Hmmm... ok try 2 things:


1) talk to Aida again (just so the game goes to check the global)


2) exit the refugee quad area map (to the main Nar Shadaa area), then re-enter the refugee area to see if the Gamorrean becomes hostile or if it's sper-quirky.. it may re-spawn the Trandoshan & Gamorrean guard. In either case, try to initiate dialogue again....

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Originally posted by stingerhs

have you tried looting the Exchange barrels without using a Stealth Generator? this will make all the exchange hostile towards you, including the guards at the front. that should do the trick. ;)


I've done that, but only a few of the guards turns hostile. Now I've looted all barrels, and there are lots of thugs left.


Chainz: I'll try that.


*edit* Nope, it doesn't work... The two thugs that were standing by the exit is just walking around the area, like the other thugs...

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ahh, i just thought of something (its been a while since i've been 'lightside' hehe). threaten the Exchange leader (forget his name). you won't get any darkside points for it, and it will make all of the Exchange hostile.


that should do it. :)

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Originally posted by stingerhs

ahh, i just thought of something (its been a while since i've been 'lightside' hehe). threaten the Exchange leader (forget his name). you won't get any darkside points for it, and it will make all of the Exchange hostile.


that should do it. :)


Ah, well, I can't do that, there's no such conversatin option :(

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now that i've gone back and remembered a couple of things, make sure that you've talked to the Refugee Leader. this should open up a dialog option that goes something like:


"[intimdate] You'd better leave those Refugees alone."


...or something along those lines. :rolleyes:


something else i just remembered was the option to open the one locked door near the Exchange headquarters. inside, you should find a little girl (which is apart of another quest). this should also work to make the Exchange hostile towards you.

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The best option is when you first start talking to the exhange boss on Nar Shaddaa use the [intimidate] option and he will turn hostile and you can kill him and then all of the exchange thugs will turn hostile and you can kill them too and then the path will be clear for Aida. The best thing to do though is not talk to Saquesh too much about other stuff otherwise the option to intimidate him might not come up anymore.

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Hi all, I'm new to this forum (& this game) and wanna say what a cool place this is :)


I've just completed this quest yesterday and it took many tries. There are two ways here:


1) Light Side

Talk to Hussef and get the 'Extra Space' quest

Talk to Saquesh

Intimidate him, ends in failure

Kill all the Exchange thugs here

Proceed to the Entrance/Exit of the Refugee Sector

Now it is important here, kill the two thugs guarding the door

One may have wondered off so find them and kill them

Now proceed to the Entrance again preferbably near to the door of the Entrance/Exit

The journal now should update stating you've cleared the path

Talk to Aaida


2) Dark Side

Talk to the guards

Intimidate them

Ask for a fight

Kill them and proceed to the door of the Entrance/Exit

Journal should update now


Notice how both events are triggered only when you're near the door to the Entrance/Exit of the Refugee Sector. Hope this helps :)


My rant now is I can't get the option to do the Airspeeder after meeting the Exchange.

Why??? This game is buggy!!

But that's just me :rolleyes:

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