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Corriban Mod Beta Test (insert right before Nihlus's ship)


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This is My Corriban Mod. but its not just about Corriban, its intergrated to deal with nihlus sceen. Here is a layout of the mod:


(kill Nihlus)--->

(Run to escape pod) --->

(Flight to telos cut sceen) --->

(on Telos inside Ebon Hawk) --->

(you find carth and he tells you that bastila senced the death of nihlus and that other jedi would sence it to and think the sith is dead and would probably reunite on corriban) ---->

(cut sceen flying off telos, warping then arriving on corriban) --->

(you arive on the docks of Corriban outside ebon Hawk) ---->

Wala your on corrasaunt. now go talk to the council :)


Enjoy, oh also read the readme. this mod is different. its intergrated into the game so you can play normal and do this mod or you can warp to 009ebo then find carth to test it out.

But first you have to exit out of the game and reenter to have the override files be in effect.


Here it is:


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I had a quick look at your mod with KT and I have two basic comments:


1. I noticed you made your .dlg files with Kotor tool's dlg editor: don't use it is not compatible with TSL yet anb you'll loose valuable info (including all the parameters) if you happen to edit an existing .dlg and it could end up in broken quests. Get tk102's dlgeditor on our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php


2. Clean your .mod files. 99 % of what is there is not used by your mod. Keep only what you need and if you don't, at least make sure you remove the unused triggers and the scripts attached to them.

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. I noticed you made your .dlg files with Kotor tool's dlg editor: don't use it is not compatible with TSL yet anb you'll loose valuable info (including all the parameters) if you happen to edit an existing .dlg and it could end up in broken quests. Get tk102's dlgeditor on our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

Ahh, strange i didn't notice any problems during testing them. must be flaky where it doesn't do it all the time.




2. Clean your .mod files. 99 % of what is there is not used by your mod. Keep only what you need and if you don't, at least make sure you remove the unused triggers and the scripts attached to them.


The reason i put everything in the mod is so that you can do the regular game along with it. if i take it all out then theres no way you can do my mod + regular game. i can see that if its a total custom job. but when your surounding it in with the game you have to have it all with it. trust me. i've tried creating the .mod file without all the crap and it never works right.

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Ah,I tested this and no bugs that i could find but still need lipscync vioce changing it so not all the people on the panet are women maybe have vandar dude twe-lik some human guy and sum women girl that seems to always be the set up for jedi concils :D

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Originally posted by randydg

Ahh, strange i didn't notice any problems during testing them. must be flaky where it doesn't do it all the time.


The reason i put everything in the mod is so that you can do the regular game along with it. if i take it all out then theres no way you can do my mod + regular game. i can see that if its a total custom job. but when your surounding it in with the game you have to have it all with it. trust me. i've tried creating the .mod file without all the crap and it never works right.

The problem here is that you are not overwriting an existing module: by giving it a custom name, you are creating "a parallel world" . For the game, it's two different objects.


While it may not necessarily cause problems, you are at least seriously increasing the risk to create problems/conflicts. Imagine you have a trigger that fires a script that's supposed to fire an important cutscene and that sets a global variable at the same time. Since you removed the .dlg files from your module, the cutscene would not trigger correctly and this could affect all the game. That's why you should keep only what's needed. It takes a little more time to strip down the module form the elements you don't need and verify what are those elements but it's definitely worth it.


You also raise the possibility of mod conflicts by re-using all the same npc objects in another module unless of course you overwrite that module, which is not the case in the present mod. Try to use custom tags and templates for npcs.


If you want to simply add your stuff to an existing module, then I suggest you use the on enter script to spawn your additional objects instead of repacking everything in a .mod file.

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While it may not necessarily cause problems, you are at least seriously increasing the risk to create problems/conflicts. Imagine you have a trigger that fires a script that's supposed to fire an important cutscene and that sets a global variable at the same time. Since you removed the .dlg files from your module, the cutscene would not trigger correctly and this could affect all the game. That's why you should keep only what's needed. It takes a little more time to strip down the module form the elements you don't need and verify what are those elements but it's definitely worth it.


not realy, im more carrfull with that. I don't override current dlg's or scripts. i create new names. and on the dlgs i plan to add them to the mod file so that everything will work.




You also raise the possibility of mod conflicts by re-using all the same npc objects in another module unless of course you overwrite that module, which is not the case in the present mod. Try to use custom tags and templates for npcs


belive me i've ran through and tested the mod by playing the whole kotor2 from scratch and everythig works the kotor2 data & my mods together, well sofar anyways.


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Originally posted by randydg

belive me i've ran through and tested the mod by playing the whole kotor2 from scratch and everythig works the kotor2 data & my mods together, well sofar anyways.


I wasn't talking about your mod only but the possibility to create conflicts with other mods (present or future). You are not the only modder around here ;) so why not try to find a system that will likely accomodate the most people at the same time?

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so im supose to download everyones mod and work around them??

1. if they have their mod in override it will work. i've tested item mods and it works fine.

2. on other peples map mods. thats not realy supose to go together.


Cas you explain better what you mean? cause here is what i know


1. my mod is supose to go in smooth with the rest of the game. so if i took everything out of my mod file it wouldn't do that.


2. realy mine is made to be intergrated into the game so other peoples mods should work as long as its a Override folder mod.

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Originally posted by randydg

so im supose to download everyones mod and work around them??

1. if they have their mod in override it will work. i've tested item mods and it works fine.

2. on other peples map mods. thats not realy supose to go together.


Cas you explain better what you mean? cause here is what i know

No, I am expecting you to verify the other mods as other wont necessarily verify yours. I am just suggesting to take measures that will diminish the mod conflict risks exactly because we can not check everyone's mods). If you don't use custom tags and resrefs for the npcs and someone happens to edit one of those .utc files and put it in the override folder, here is what could happen: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=145328

Just a heads up. It's better to take good habits right now, we had quite a lot of similar problems with K1 :)


1. my mod is supose to go in smooth with the rest of the game. so if i took everything out of my mod file it wouldn't do that.


2. realy mine is made to be intergrated into the game so other peoples mods should work as long as its a Override folder mod.

If you remove what you don't need for your mod and use custom tags and resrefs for the npcs that populate your custom modules , they will still go smoth and you will be able to incorporate them in the game.
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No, I am expecting you to verify the other mods as other wont necessarily verify yours. I am just suggesting to take measures that will diminish the mod conflict risks exactly because we can not check everyone's mods). If you don't use custom tags and resrefs for the npcs and someone happens to edit one of those .utc files and put it in the override folder, here is what could happen: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthre...threadid=145328


oh, ok, i tried it before, but i'll try it again.

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