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Hk-40000 Kotor1 [wip]


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Just to let everyone know, I'm also HK-40000 at pcgamemods.


I was thinking of doing a pretty big mod that would let you kill pretty much everyone in the game. it would take me a pretty long time but I t hink that it would probly be worth it. I know that some people you couldn't fight casue they don't have those animations though. As an example, I would make it so you could fight all the sith on taris tell me what you think!

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Also an update on the Kill All Mod (thats what I'm calling it):

Taris is about half way done. Man! It is gonna be harder than I though, but it will be worth it. I played through taris and its so fun!!! I left a few good guy here and there to help you fight your way through. Its like a killing frenzy! so fun.


I was also thinking, for the release of this mod that I would change the story line a bit, and make it so that the sith are fighting on taris with the republic (change most of the people on taris to sith and republic troops) and then at the end the sith ar looseing because of you and then malak decides to destroy the planet cause hes loosing the battle. What do you think? I could do it all but if someone would help me out then it would go much faster, maybe someone to do most of the dialog editing.

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Yes, the Kill All mod will not change. I was just suggesting the sith/republic war on taris if some one would help me. I have to many other things going on right now to do it my self.



Taris is done! just changing a few last things so that you can still get off the planet with out killing every way to leave:p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since lucasforums was down I have created two new melee weapons and they are up for download at pcgamemods.com.




Screens: http://www.binarynexus.com/gallery/80.html


Death shaft


Screens: http://www.binarynexus.com/gallery/74.html


I am also working on a new Gun model


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