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[REL] TSL Hak Pad Mod now available!

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That I'm not sure of since I was always afraid to clean-house with an entire storefront.. hehehe


However I wouldn't doubt it. I placed everything and I mean everything in the storefronts so the game may not react kindly if you happen to try to "buy" certain stunt model varieties of items and what-not.


I bet that's what it was...I don't remember exactly, but I was at the crystals and there was this weirdo 'door cutting +1' or something crystal--I think I bought that and vaporized my game. I'll just remember to avoid the strange stuff unless I have a save handy :)

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I feel stupid as hell asking this but when I try to install I get this

Error! Invalid game folder specified, dialog.tlk file not found! (GEN-7)

I did make a subfolder called override in the KotoR stuff and click it for when I install but thats when that pops up. Help?


The title of the folder browser window where you select installation location reads: "Please select the folder where your game is installed."


I.e. you should not select the override folder, but the folder where your game is located. (The folder that contains the swkotor2.EXE file and the override folder.) :)

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please please can you make this mod easy to access on the xbox by making a placable mod to it or something along them lines or if anyone could tell me or give me a script that will allow me to get it in my item list because i realy want this mod but i am crap at modding .... i have tryed and tryed over and over but i just cant work out how to get it in my items .. thanx

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please please can you make this mod easy to access on the xbox by making a placable mod to it or something along them lines or if anyone could tell me or give me a script that will allow me to get it in my item list because i realy want this mod but i am crap at modding .... i have tryed and tryed over and over but i just cant work out how to get it in my items .. thanx

How are you getting it to your Xbox in the first place? Is there a way you can use tk102's Savegame Editor to just alter your save then port/ftp it over to your Xbox?



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i am using ftp to access my xbox ... also problem with the savegame editor is that with the xbox if you add any items it will just kill the save it is the same for some of the other functions ... only way to get the hak pad at the moment would be to put it in a placable or some other way i dont know of but i am not a good modder so i wouldent know how to do that


Edit: ok i tryed to edit the save but as i thought it will just damage the save by adding items also i cant make a mod to put it in a placable because i only have the xbox version and it isnt as easy so is it possible you could make a placable .. thanx

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most xbox savegame files are incrypted. Most of them use a specific string of data called a "signature" to keep the safe. If you alter the save in anyway, the string changes and the game won't loaded it because its the wrong signature.


If you think kotor's signature's hard, Forza Motorsports are Hard Drive keyed, so you can only use your own save on your own xbox....


Anyway, you'll need XsavSig to resign the Saves, that way, you can play altered saves. you need to follow a specific path to get to it that involves IRC and FTP, but I can Download it for you and email it to you.

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  • 4 years later...

hehehe.. didn't think I'd be posting many more mods (long since TSL retired) but I happened up on an Add-On I've been holding on for some time now while digging around my archives.


With the success of the USM, I had received a ton of requests for saber console codes, bugs, etc. regarding the USM. Initially the group and I were hestitant about this particular Hak Pad add-on because we really wanted people to experience the USM as it was intended.


Well, after a number of years now (wow) I think it's safe to say that a majority of the player base has experienced enough to choke a bantha. Probably a bit too late.. as many of us have moved on, but better than never I suppose :xp:


I don't have any screenies since I no longer have the game installed, but I'm pretty sure this is a working mod (was in my FINALS folder).


Despite the bile building up, I installed TSL to test and everything seems to be working. Screenies index can be found here. Large 1920x1080 pics, be warned. (there's a TON):


Click for USM Hak Pad Screenies


If you run in to any problems, lease let me know ASAP and I'll see what I can do to fix thing :)


Hak Pad - USM Shop add-on


This will add a USM Saber Shop dialogue node in the Storefronts section.


Just drop these files (excluding the .nss source) into your override folder, or wherever you have the Hak Pad installed.





You MUST have the USM, Original HakPad AND the Booster Pack v2 installed as the dialogue included in here uses them as a base.




USM: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Ultimate_Saber_Mod;73530

HakPad: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Hak_Pad;66316

Booster V2: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/TSL_Hak_Pad_Booster_Pack;66352


or grab the mods from my site: http://www.jumpstationz.com





The shop includes only the sabers, not the individual crystals, to avoid saber creation (null-nade) problems some may have encountered.





This also includes the Train Handmaiden as a Guardian & the Darth333's Wherami Band fix.


Download links are in the first post of this thread and here. Click link below.



** Download USM Saber Shop Hak Pad add-on **

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