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Dark Forces and Adult Friend Finder?


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Hey guys.

I know I've been one of those people who has been the most pain in the ass about the popups on this here fine forum. And well, it's gotten worse. I now get about two seconds to close down the popup before I get "Adult Friend Finder".... Now, this bugs me since I am not an adult, nor am I searching for any friends. Especially not naked such ones.



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Get Mozilla Firefox like I have! (It includes a great popup blocker in addition to other useful features.)


In all seriousness, there's really no excuse for advertising like that on a site like this (or anywhere, really), but there's not really anything we or the DF modders can do about it. I remember hearing that UGO was responsible for the advertising here, so you might try taking it up with them. Alternatively, you could figure out who's in charge of LucasForums and ask them what you can do about it, as I'm sure they're not happy about it either. Good luck, and let's hope it doesn't scare anyone away from the mod.

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Originally posted by SlicerDude

Get Mozilla Firefox like I have! (It includes a great popup blocker in addition to other useful features.)


In all seriousness, there's really no excuse for advertising like that on a site like this (or anywhere, really), but there's not really anything we or the DF modders can do about it. I remember hearing that UGO was responsible for the advertising here, so you might try taking it up with them. Alternatively, you could figure out who's in charge of LucasForums and ask them what you can do about it, as I'm sure they're not happy about it either. Good luck, and let's hope it doesn't scare anyone away from the mod.


Mozilla is fine in that way, but sucks in other. I work with websites which means that I have to make websites for the maximum used browser - Internet Explorer. Lot's of things (like for example the Star Wars official website) doesn't function properly in Mozilla.


Second of all, as I have stated before, I don't want to be forced to change browsers. I shouldn't need to.


Someone has to be able to change it?

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In most cases of a site not working properly in Firefox, it's because the site designers are using proprietory Internet Explorer code, instead of adhering to internet standards which work with *all* browsers. I'm unsure as to why the SW site doesn't work correctly in Firefox, but the program is updated regularly enough that it probably will in the near future.


Just use Firefox. It is an *immensely* superior browser to Internet Exploiter in absolutely every way. Once IE is as secure, has tabbed browsing, supports plugins (the adblock plugin is very useful) and themes, then it might become a reasonable choice. However, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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My personal opinion is that Mozilla isn't better. It's better in some aspects, and in others IE works better.


I do not want to be forced to using a browser that I do not like, when I visit this forum as much as I do.


Is it really impossible to put an end to these popups?

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