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Too Many Jedi?


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While running through Mos Eisley, I heard a lightsaber ignite so I stopped to watch. A Jedi started attacking somebody. I thought, cool, thats the first Jedi I've seen. Then another Jedi started attacking the first Jedi. I thought it was odd that 2 Jedi were attacking each other in Mos Eisley.


I have now come across 4 Jedi, 3 use double bladed lightsabers, and 2 were Dark Jedi (or at least had red sabers). I thought that Jedi were supposed to be extremelyrare. Why are there 4 running around Mos Eisley?

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Guest DarthMaulUK



Check out the Publish 20 notes. Basically SOE lied to the bounty hunters of the galaxy by saying that you will get your targets name. ALmost 98% of the time I don't and go on a blind hunt.


I turned up to a bunch of jedi just to see and they asked 'ok which one is the target' and I said ' just let me tab you all first'! Utter stupidity of the highest order.


Of course they havent bothered to fix it and as a result of these changes to the way Bounty Hunters track Jedi - more and more come out of the wood work. Why? Because, again thanks to SOE - despite your target actually being online - the system says he isnt!


Jedi are having a field day and its starting to bug me that I have wasted months on a Profession I mastered in order to keep the Jedi population down. Think of all those monthly fees that has taken. Not impressive at all.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Of course they havent bothered to fix it and as a result of these changes to the way Bounty Hunters track Jedi - more and more come out of the wood work. Why? Because, again thanks to SOE - despite your target actually being online - the system says he isnt!


Jedi are having a field day and its starting to bug me that I have wasted months on a Profession I mastered in order to keep the Jedi population down. Think of all those monthly fees that has taken. Not impressive at all.

I would think they would have that fixed by now...But obviously SOE only cares about getting our money on rushed games, not about fixing the tons of bugs in the games.

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Originally posted by zcizzo

i think im going jedi... a REAL jedi... hiding and only use my saber in real emergencies....... how do you lower vis points?

That is a better way to do it. I saw today a Dark Jedi with a double bladed saber randomly kill a rebel guard.

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