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Form VII - Juyo

Lorden Darkblade

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Ok, I really can't figure out one attribute of this Form.

The bonus named: "Critical Hit attack bonus: +4"

Is this bonus a threat range bonus or not?


No, it's a bonus to the attack roll you make after scoring a critical threat, determining if you land a critical hit.

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So, it doesn't add to the threat range. It adds 4 more damage IF I land a critical strike right?


No, it adds +4 to the Attack roll that determines if your critical threat turns into a critical hit. Damage is unaffected.


If you score a critical threat (ie the 1-20 random number generated for your attack roll falls within the critical threat interval of your weapon), then you make another attack roll vs. the defense of your opponent. If this roll indicates a hit, then the hit becomes a critical hit. If the roll misses, then it will just be a normal attack with no double damage.


It is this second roll that the Juyo form gives you a +4 bonus to hit for.

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I see.

So the Juyo is good for Critical Strike users.


If you have trouble hitting through the defense of your opponent it could come in handy. You still have to actually hit with your initial attack though before it is of any use, so it's only marginally useful, in my opinion.


But since it gives you an extra attack/round it pretty much doubles your chances to get a critical hit.


Though if you're looking for sheer critical hit power, using Master Power Attack with either the Ataru (increases the critical threat range of the weapon) or Shien (increases the damage multiplier for critical hits) is probably better.


If you use Master Power Attack and the Shien form, you will do X4 damage on a critical hit, which for a fully upgraded lightsaber can be quite substantial. :)

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I never liked Power Attack.. Dunno why.


I always have doubts on either Master Flurry or Master Critical Strike.

The Forms I use mostly of the game when I'm not fighting "bosses" is Form 3 (Soresu).

But for "bosses" I use Form 2 (Makashi) or Form 7 (Juyo), later in the game when there are more Lightsaber combat I use Form 2 (Makashi) cuz there are too many enemies and the defense penalty of Form 7 (Juyo) hurts :p

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I never liked Power Attack.. Dunno why.


I always have doubts on either Master Flurry or Master Critical Strike.

The Forms I use mostly of the game when I'm not fighting "bosses" is Form 3 (Soresu).

But for "bosses" I use Form 2 (Makashi) or Form 7 (Juyo), later in the game when there are more Lightsaber combat I use Form 2 (Makashi) cuz there are too many enemies and the defense penalty of Form 7 (Juyo) hurts :p


I like Master Power Attack... combined with a lightsaber with the Keen property (increasing the critical threat range) and critical hit bonus damage properties, and the Shien form, it's quite powerful.


Every so often striking for 200+ damage per hit and knocking the opponents on their back is not too shabby. Well worth sacrificing two attack/round (Juyo and Flurry) for, in my opinion. :)


When going up against opponents who are immune or resistant to critical hits, I tend to use Juyo and Master Flurry instead. Combined with Master Force Speed you hit the max of 5 attacks/round even with a single saber. :)

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With Master Flurry, Juyo and Master Speed I think I deal 200+ damage as well, not sure tho.

I used Dual Sabers before but now I'm using a Single Saber with the Duelling feats and I can say for sure it is awesome :D


Critical Strike is too much dependent on luck for good damages. I prefer guaranteed damage with Flurry. And it's even better with Master Speed and Juyo :D


I love the Lightsaber Forms. Which gives me an mod idea :D :D

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help stoffe :thumbsup:

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With Master Flurry, Juyo and Master Speed I think I deal 200+ damage as well, not sure tho.

I used Dual Sabers before but now I'm using a Single Saber with the Duelling feats and I can say for sure it is awesome :D


Critical Strike is too much dependent on luck for good damages. I prefer guaranteed damage with Flurry. And it's even better with Master Speed and Juyo :D


I love the Lightsaber Forms. Which gives me an mod idea :D :D

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help stoffe :thumbsup:


200 damage per hit, not necessarily per round since you still have 3 attacks per round with a single saber and Master Speed, or 4 attacks if you dual-wield. Granted it's quite dependant on luck how often you score a critical hit. Still, it has happened on occasion that I've scored a critical hit on all 3 attacks in a round for a total of over 600 damage that round. Somewhat overkill, but still. :)


If you use Master Speed + Flurry + Juyo it's unnecessary to dual wield to get more attacks since you can at most do 5 attack/round no matter what. (May still be useful to dualwield for extra bonus-granting crystals in the off-hand though).


While Flurry is useful overall, it isn't always as guaranteed damage as one may think. Since you need to make an Attack roll to hit for each attack, it's not very uncommon that one or two attacks in a round will miss. Even if you can easily overcome the defense of the opponent there's still a 5% chance for a critical miss with each attack, which seems to happen a lot more oftan than the number would suggest. :)


As for lightsaber form mods, unfortunately most aspects of the saber forms are hardcoded in the game, so they are not very easy to mod. Some things can be changed though, mostly related to force powers.

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I might give Critical Strike or even Power Attack a try ;)


Oh, I know that Forms are hardcoded, my idea is about creating specific sabers for the Lightsaber Forms. Sounds like a good idea, not sure tho.

May not be so good cuz everytime the player change the Form he would have to change the saber, and I'm not sure if a script can change sabers with the change of Form.

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