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All About The Exile and Revan


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It's more likely that Kreia was right - she said Revan was born beyond the Outer Rim.


Kreia is also a manipulative b*tch and is also known to never ever tell the truth.


I think she was raised on Coruscant, and then went to Dantooine when she achieved the rank of Padawan. Kavar is a member of the High Jedi Council, so he would naturally be on Coruscant. Kavar also says to the Exile "When I first sparred with you, I could tell that you were different." I doubt Kavar would travel halfway across the galaxy just to spar with some Padawans, so that must imply the Exile lieved on Coruscant.

Considering the Jedi Temple was on Coruscant, the only thing this means is that the exile studied at the temple. It says nothing about the planet of birth or where the exile was raised.

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No mention as to the exile but as to Revan it is Stated Revan was Male in the Cannon at Lucas as mentioned in this Thread briefly


The exact quote is


Alternate endings and customizable characters are noted in the Continuity Notes field. If needed, a definitive ending is chosen (ie the light side ending in Jedi Knight) and recorded into the database. Another example is the decision to make Revan a male character. Again, these types of things are only determined when needed.


The Holocron is the internal Lucas Database for all Continuity Cannon and the statement was made by Tasty Taste who is Database Content Administrator, Lucas Licensing means that this person KEEPS the official Holocron.


So the official cannon is Revan is Male.

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I don't really consider the info to be that accurate. Simply because it goes into stuff that is subject to the gamer. IMO there are tons of Revans out there, and the same goes for Exiles. If they want to keep it accurate, IMO they should keep it to pre-KOTOR info. Also they removed the mystery from the characters this way. A more internal point of view would be better. The text should be like if it was written prior to the beginning of K1 (textstyles, etc. if you know what I mean).

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Wikipedia's KOTOR articles are good when you're looking for general information only of course. But since KOTOR and TSL are games with open plots, it should be clear that the articles also include subjective opinions.


I think it should be up to the imaginations of gamers to decide whether Revan or the Exile is female/male or DS/LS. If TSL would've started with determining Revan's fate then it would be pretty clear that this would be canonical. TSL gives you a whole bunch of possibilities for Revan's personality when talking to Atton and leaves it up to you to develop the Exile, hard to say which ending is "true" or "alternative".


But with the fact that the classical SW saga had a happy ending, personally I would also expect a LS ending as canon.

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I don't really trust Wikipedia because people can put whatever on there.


Wikipedia runs under a strict moderation system, meaning that even if a word is found untrue, it gets deleted. The new system has been introduced to counter the increasing mischief and fake information given by users.


I've been there, BTW.

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"I don't think so. When Revan answered that question, his mind was full of false memories.


It's more likely that Kreia was right - she said Revan was born beyond the Outer Rim.



What makes you think that Delaria isn't in the Outer Rim. He said clearly:

"Delaria, a remote planet in the Outer Rim. Why?"

So, obviously, Revan was born and raised on Delaria.


"I think she was raised on Coruscant, and then went to Dantooine when she achieved the rank of Padawan. Kavar is a member of the High Jedi Council, so he would naturally be on Coruscant. Kavar also says to the Exile "When I first sparred with you, I could tell that you were different." I doubt Kavar would travel halfway across the galaxy just to spar with some Padawans, so that must imply the Exile lieved on Coruscant.


Vrook was a member of the High Counsil, and he didn't live in a fancy appartment on Coruscant, so that doesn't have to mean that Kavar never went to some planet to check on some students.


But, who are we to deciede? :D

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What makes you think that Delaria isn't in the Outer Rim. He said clearly:

"Delaria, a remote planet in the Outer Rim. Why?"

So, obviously, Revan was born and raised on Delaria.


That was one dialogue option. So was saying he's a Wookiee from Kashyyyk. So since he clearly said it, Revan's obviously a Wookiee right?

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It wasn't really meant as a joke, but more to show your argument wasn't valid.


You implied that because Revan said he was from Delaria (sp?) then that "obviously" meant that's where he was from. Using that logic, then it's just as valid that Revan is a Wookiee from Kashyyyk because he said so.


In other words, there's still no proof that Delaria (sp?) wasn't just an implanted memory, rather than his actual homeworld. What Revan said alone is not proof.

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But Bastila said that she looked through his records. If you answer to her that you are a Wookie from Kashyyk, she will go all: "You are childish.", but if you say that you are from Delaria, then she will calm down. Even though there is no real proof that Revan was from Delaria and that the "homeplanet" from which he came from was not a fake memory, there is not much choice really. Unless, of course, he was raised on Dantooine... :snear:

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