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Make Visas Master Into Visas Apprentice


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It would be possible, yes. You'd need to edit some dialogue, change a script or two... Here's the script that makes the remote follow Bao-Dur around: (You'll need to change it.)


   void main()
   vector vPos = GetPosition(GetPartyLeader());
   float fPCFace = GetFacing(GetPartyLeader());

   location lLoc = Location(vPos + AngleToVector(fPCFace) * 1.5f,fPCFace);

   object oBaoDur = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"p_baodur",lLoc);
   object oRemote = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE,"p_remote",lLoc);

   AddPartyMember(NPC_BAO_DUR, oBaoDur);



Good luck with the mod.

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Well I managed to attach Nihilus to visas but he wont follow her i custom edited the utc so he fights for my faction i also changed the scripts to match the remotes i'm afraid i'm out of my depth here some help would be much appreciated please I really want to do this now


Just A thought you dont suppose he is waiting to follow BaoDur? (EDIT) Thats a No!

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also weird because after you fight him, i dont think you ever get a chance to put visas back in your party? dont you go straight to malachor after the ravager?


If you head straight to the bridge to deal with Nihilus, you still need to head back down and set the proton charges before you can leave the ship. So you may have a little left to do after the fight.


It also isn't terribly difficult to mod the game to allow you to use your remaining party members on Malachor V, so you could bring along Visas there. Mandalore even has some planet-specific dialog if you talk to him there. :)


I think it's more satisfying and makes more sense to put Nihilus out of his misery instead of bringing him along though. But I never play as a darksider.

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@RandomTask: sorry, don't let us discourage you too much, if you still want to make this mod, please do, i just don't think you'd get much use out of all the work you'd put into it, unless you do what stoffe said and allow for party members on malachor.


I do think it would be cool to have more mods using the puppet feature. i've always wanted to make one where a little tach followed you around and attacked things for you, but i dont know enough about making puppets (i'm sure its pretty much all scripting)...


edit: has anyone made a puppet tutorial yet?

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I think there used to be one, but for some reason, it disappeared. I think stoffe might have done it. Anyhow, i posted the script for a puppet. You'll have to change the references to Bao-Dur and the remote, though...


In my opinion, this isn't exactly the best mod. Nihilus, following you around? I don't know... And your character HAS to kill Nihilus, whether on the Light or Dark Side - Nihilus' power is constantly growing, and eventually he will surpass that of your character's - unless he is killed first. And if he lives, he will consum all life - and leave nothing to conquer.

Hanharr sparing Mira? Hanharr's hatred for Mira surpasses the hate that runs through Malachor V...

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I think there used to be one, but for some reason, it disappeared. I think stoffe might have done it. Anyhow, i posted the script for a puppet. You'll have to change the references to Bao-Dur and the remote, though...


Yes, I posted a quick tutorial regarding party puppets and such a while ago, though it vanished when the forums lost a months worth of posts prior to the upgrade. I could write a new one though if there is interest. Puppets aren't all that complicated.

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You guys make a valid point i forgot that you go to malachor after the ravager so it wouldn't really be worth it unless he followed the main character instead but i'm not sure if you can do that


P.S A tach following you around would be pretty cool not quite sure how you would fit that in to the story though not even sure if there are tach's in kotor 2

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Yes, I posted a quick tutorial regarding party puppets and such a while ago, though it vanished when the forums lost a months worth of posts prior to the upgrade. I could write a new one though if there is interest. Puppets aren't all that complicated.


That would be nice. I'm no scripting guru, and you could probably explain it in better detail than I did.

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