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Stuck at Secret Academy - Cant Free T3-M3 and Bao from Enegry Cages


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I've spoken to Atris and fought the Handmaidens but now I can't seem to find anyway to free T3-M4 and Bao-Dur (the dude with the energy arm) from their energy cages?


Bao-Dur is lying dead in the energy cage and T3-M4's dialogue doesn't give me any options to release him.


Any suggestions would be great. What am I missing? Is there a secret switch to the cages?


I can't escape Telos without releasing them...PLEASE HELP!


Thank you -

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well, all i can really say is that you hit a really wierd bug that is causing a number of scripts not to fire. i'm not an expert in that area, so i can't do much more than to tell you to try loading a previous save or refer you to somebody with more expertise on this subject.


for now, however, i'm moving this thread since this is not a hardware related issue.

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It's a bug. It occurs when you select the dialogue option "All right, we mean no harm" when you enter the academy: the dialogue file is suddenly cut.


You can :


- restart the game just before entering the academy and select another .dlg option or, if you want to get it fix once and for all, download this patch here: http://www.pcgamemods.com/12515/




- If you don't have a save game from just before entering the academy, you can save your game (in a new slot) and fix the global variable 262TEL_Atton_Talk" to 1 with KSE. KSE is available here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php (if you have an non-english version of windows, download KSEa instead of KSE). It's very easy to do and it takes no more than one minute. Here's a screenie of what it looks like: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/glob.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately I just encountered this bug thisafternoon on my fourth time through.


I had never encountered it before, but this time I was using cheats and was playing as a Male PC for the first time. Maybe that has something to do with it.


Unfortunately I also did not keep any save games, as I was fighting all the Echani Handmaiden's and saved over all my saves between battles.


Thanks for the tips, I was just about to give up completely and take a KOTOR break! (never! :) )

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