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Turning off third person sabre?


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In Outcast there was an option to turn off automatically going to third person when you use the sabre, and then you could use p to switch to it if you wanted.


However, in academy, there is no option to change to make sabre first-person. Hitting P also doesn't work. I assume there is still a console command to turn off sabre third-person, how do I do this?

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So there's no console command to turn it off? I don't like it because it is harder to block blaster fire, as I can't position myself as accurately. They keep on hitting me..


I played through JK2 in first-person, get too disorientated in third.

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Seeing as you seem insistant on using 1st person, try doing it like lukes1 says. The commands you'll need are "cg_thirdpersonvertoffset 0" and "cg_thirdpersonrange 0". It may look a little funny, as the camera will simply be placed inside the player's head, but at least your view will be restricted to about 60º, and that's what matters, right?

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The way JK2 did it, it was inferior. I mean, you couldn't do flips, you were severly limited on the moves you could do... etc. They probably took it out of JKA because of the complex moves like the Katas... it just wouldn't look right. At least with the commands above it should be ok, but it will probably mess up when you flip or do a kata.

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The truth of the matter is that if you are using targeted weapons, first person view is vastly superior (which you have). When using untargeted weapons, like a light-sabre, third-person is vastly superior. Riceplant, however, gave the cheats required. If you want to cut yourself off at the neck, that is your choice to make.


You have to keep in mind that JA is not like DOOM. It's not actually a FPS, since your best weapon is not a projectile weapon. Be the Jedi. Your weapon is your lightsabre.

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i know how to get in first person mode using a lightsaber in jedi academy. buut im afraid it wont be yourself in first person. what you do is.


1. level 3 mind trick any dark jedi with a lightsaber.


2. click "p" on the keyboard.


3. now ur in first person mode on that character. buuuut its not that great.

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