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Can you be evil by...

Ultima Weapon 5

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Im not sure that blue head will taste too good, Sith. ;)


Anyways, you should play both ways, saving and killing Rosh. Its the only way to get the most out of Single Player. I prefer the lightside ending, to be honest. Much cooler (but then again the Dark Side ending boss was really cool also!)


EDIT: Whoa, notice his location is the same as Sith's title.

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It certainly does. I wonder, if they do make another Jedi Knight game, which route they will choose as canon? In KotOR and Jedi Knight, they chose the light side, but I think that the dark side route might be more interesting. More loose ends to tie up.

Because the LS route, it just ends with Jaden saying 'Ok, another mission then'.

They'd have to think up a whole new story, but DS has the basis already laid out.

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Yeah, thats true. I was thinking perhaps they could have an option at the start and let you pick light or dark. More replayability.


In all honesty, I wish they would stick to one ending though, because in most games you can see the two endings are slightly rushed (in JKA, same locations, same layout, just a different ending cutscene and fight.)


Its like that with a lot of games, sadly.

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Yeah, and when you think about it, that would be made worse by allowing you to choose early on, if the whole game was the same only with different enemies. Although, I didn't think it was that bad, just a couple of levels being the same. What really ruined the story, in my opinion, was allowing you to choose which level you played next, as it pretty much restriced the story to occuring in between the tiers. JO was much better in that way, every level advanced the story, making it much stronger.

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It certainly does. I wonder, if they do make another Jedi Knight game, which route they will choose as canon? In KotOR and Jedi Knight, they chose the light side


Wrong, in KotOR 2 you choose what happened in the first one. :smash:


Anyway, i like both endings in JA,

Fighting ragnos is cool, though.


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