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Two Years, Two Masters


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"OK, follow me. " Kent led Elron through the spaceport until they arrived at a warehouse, before they went in he turned to elron.

"I'm warning you, you may begin to feel a little wierd in there. Like you just lost a sense or something like that, I don't know what it is and not everybody feels it, but I'm giving you fair warning."

As they stepped in, the force was lost completely for them, the owner of the warehouse had a ysilmari hidden somewhere. Kent led Elron straight to the office of the owner.

When they entered the owner was decidedly surprised at seeing Kent, and it was obvious that the man was a scumbag.

"Kent, what are you doing here?"

"I need some help Badger, I was wondering if you had a ship and a pilot you could loan us."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because this guy needs it."Said Kent, gesturing at Elron.

"And who would you be?"

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"One, but it's a little risky." he murmered.

"Okay, I've got a proposition for you." Elron said to the man.

"Alright, I'm listening."

"If you can give us a medium sized freighter, large enough to hold...say...six or seven people comfortably, fully loaded with all the provisions and items that would be needed for a long journey, we'll give you ten thousand credits on our return to pick the ship up."

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Lussk yawned and pounded his fist on the table. "Alright Quarren, word here says you're the one to go to for a race."


"And what if I am?" the glossy-faced squid replied with a scoff.


"Tsk. Don't mess around with me. What are the rules here?"


"There are three top times, you must beat them one by one. You will be awarded 500, 1000, then 2000 credits."


"Just 3500 eh? What if, I go up against all three of them each racing, with a small handicap, and if I don't beat the best of their times, I give you 5000 credits, but if I win, you give me 8000?"


"Hmph, you drive a hard bargain."


"9000 and I'll give you all of my supplies, weapons, armor, and you up my reward to 10k?"


The Quarren laughed and yelled out. "We have a new challenger! This good Trandoshan wishes to race all of our three champions at once! And he's willing to give a handicap! Should he win, he shall gain a measly 10,000 credits, but should he fail, he shall be giving out 9,000 credits, and all of his belongings to the Cantina! Now, what say you to that?"


The entire bar erupted with laughter and cheers. The overall champ, Greekodo, a Rodian, stood up and said, "I admire you for your courage Trandoshan, but, what, may I ask, will be the handicap?"


"Shave off five whole seconds off each of your times."


"Oh-ho-ho!" the Twi'lek champion, Bronna-dan chuckled. "Surely you do not think of yourself that highly? No, we'll make it less horrible to you and have the handicap be 2 seconds."


Lussk grinned. "Two seconds it is. Though I would've taken the five."


"And what," Greekodo said, "is your name, stranger?"




"Well then, Lussk, welcome to the Iziz swoop ring!"

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