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Two Years, Two Masters


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Revans small shuttle landed in the wreckage of the starport, where Sion stood, waiting the arrival of The exile and her companions.


Sion turned to face the shuttle, as revan descended arrogantly down the ramp.


"Revan, the trap is set, they won't escape onderon alive."


"No my friend, they are doomed." Said revan.


"What of the beast rider attacking our forces?" Sion asked casually.


"I have already dispatched squadrons of Sith fighters, to blast them out of the sky, they are a minor inconvienence."


"Come exile, come face your destiny" Sion Arrogantly stated.

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Sion stepped briefly onto the shuttle to confront Kent, who was saying something foul.


the boy glared up at him from his small cage, "Are you ready to face your destiny boy, there is great power within you, I can feel it. The jedi would try to hide this power from you, in fear that you would become something greater than they. Join us, and learn to use that power as weapon against all those who would stand against us. Use it to forge a new destiny, and a new empire. What say you boy?" Sion demanded. "I can teach you to become immortal."


After several minutes, Sion returned outside with Revan. He had an evil grin upon his face. "And now we wait."

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"Shut up, all of you... we're just outside the palace," Lussk hissed, as he brought his Drexl to a circle around the palace. The Trandoshan grinned as he watched the Drexls utterly destroy every single Sith and Mandalorian trooper sent after them. Oh, how I love this sight, just like when the Mandalorians first underestimated the Drexls. He opened up his bag and pulled out a long strip of leather, strapped to the strip of leather were two dozen detonators. "I've got two more straps. Just pull that string there and chuck the thing off to create a massive amount of explosions..." He handed them to Elron and Syscha, and wondered for a moment. "What happened to that Jedi?" The Trandoshan glanced down and rubbed the saber that his old General gave him during the Civil War.

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Revan And Sion stood, preparing to spring the trap, when a Sith pilots voicer came over the comlink.


"Lord Revan, 4 waves of fighters have enterred the atmosphere, they are engaging the Beast riders and Drexl."


"Excellent commander, you have done well." Revan said


The Lord Revan glanced out the window of the palace, towards the sky, he could see drexl being shot out of the sky, and their riders, falling like specks to the ground below.

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Lussk glanced up at the fighters, and turned his Drexl around. "Whatever your plans are, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you there." He swooped down and pushed his passengers off in a corner on the palace grounds. Pulling his drexl up towards the sky, he strapped himself to the drexl by his legs and armed him self with a large, turret-like repeating disrupter laser. It was quite heavy, but the drexl paid no mind. With power equivelant to the most dangerous starfighter's blasters, and with the boost of it being a disrupter, Lussk immediately took down three enemy fighters, as his drexl clamped onto another and tore it to pieces.


Other beast riders pulled out similar weapons, each more deadlier than the last. Within five minutes, half of the squadrons were depleted, as two drexls stumbled to the floor. Still alive, they lived on for quite the while longer, tearing apart infantry and crushing vehicles. Several more drexl had lost their riders, but that mattered not, as that meant they were free to strike down fighters using their claws and teeth. Those that were shot down quickly recovered and ushered a new meaning to pain, at least to the infantry.


(OOC: MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Your stewpid little sithspit soldiers and mandos are no match for my drexls! :o)


Ragnov, the beast rider who led as second-in-command, blew a horn that sounded for miles, calling up every beast rider in range to Iziz. The streets of the ruined city were suddenly flooded by Onderanian creatures, ranging from simple cannok to their larger boma cousins, to even zakkegs. And about a dozen more drexl flew up to fill up the holes of the defeated. Beast riders circled the entire globe, and they all had connections with one another. With the minimal amount of mandalorians in total, and the not-so-amazing number of total sith, Iziz would soon be retaken. That is, if Sion and Revan would be defeated.

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Kelborn Rushed into the palace followed by some his Mandalorian Patrol. "Mandalor, lord Sion, Lord revan, The beast riders continue their assault on the city, te beasts of the jungle are attacking as well, we are outnumbered! What are your orders?"


"Keep Fighting We need to....." Mandalore was cut off by Revan.


"They are of no concern to me, the queen is dead, Vaklu is in control, Onderon now serves my purpose. Fools, by attacking the city, they are causing far more damage than any of our forces could. But I shall entertain your fears, with a response to this insignificant threat." Revan activates his command comlink. "All forces, General withdrawl from Onderon, Mandalorians regroup at DXUn, My forces, regroup with the fleet." He activates another comlink to the fleet in orbit. "Admiral, Begin orbital bombardment of this planet, countdown in 15:00. Destroy everything, the city, the jungles, everything, do not stop until this planet is a smoldering ruin." "Yes Lord Revan, the Admiral responded."


"Revan turned to Kelborn, bring the men under your direct command in here Kelborn, and activate the palaces energy shield, that is what will keep us unharmed from the bombardment."


"Yes Revan." Responded Kelborn, who picked up his comm. "All unites this is Kelborn, Return to the palace, and activate Energy shields."


"The Exile is here, in the palace I can feel her!" Sion said


"Then everything will be decided here." Revan responded


"There is no escape for them this time, and this time Revenge will be all mine." Sion proclaimed.


Outside the palace, Large impenetrable blue energy shields went up, protecting it from assault, The mandalorians and Sith, with the exception of those in the palace, had returned to Dxun, and the fleet. Drexl, beast riders, civilians, and jungle life ran through the streets of IZIZ like wild fire.


MEanwhile in orbit, the last of the transports were returning to the fleet. " Countdown is up sir."


"Open fire on the planet, all batteries assault." The admiral ordered.


Heavy bombs, and turbolaser bolts began frying everything on the planet below. Explosions and death engulfed the beast riders, the jungle creatures, and innocents who were scurrying about below.

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"Fools," Lussk grinned as he and his drexl killed masses of guards within the palace (he came in before the shield went up) and reached a shield generator. Strapping one of the explosive straps that he had onto the generator, he quickly left the area, and went into an underground shelter he had learned of from old blueprints of the palace he had stolen. He quickly pulled out a little item, and pressed a little red button, setting off all of the explosions, removing the energy shield. With a simple smirk, he and his drexl (who took up pretty much the rest of the shelter space, which was made to fit loads of Onderanians... >.>) watched through slits as the bombardments struck down upon the palace itself. Though the loss of the beast riders was indeed terrible, and his drexl whined for the lives of his old brethren, they were still perfectly enjoying the destruction of the palace.


Meanwhile, within the main chamber of the palace, he watched through simple cameras he had miniature droids install for his viewing pleasure. Sion and Revan were in complete shock, especially Revan, for his foresight had not shown him Lussk's actions (as Lussk was erased from the force's sight), of course, "King" Vaklu was completely unable to show shock, at least not for a split second, as he fried up in a blast. Revan and Sion, being the powerful Sith they were, though not easily, protected themselves from the bombardment, but even they couldn't hold up against it forever. Revan reached for an untouched comlink.


And then, in another shelter right outside the main chamber, Syscha, Elron, and Falya hid. Syscha and Lussk had kept a secret comlink with one another, and thanks to Lussk's mini-droids, Syscha had been shown the blueprints as well. Once more, they spoke to each other.


"Are you alright, master?"


"Yes, and so are my companions... how's your drexl?"


"Wounded, but still breathing. You do know that Onderon, should it ever hope to be repaired, will require aid from Jedi..."


"Yes, yes, I know..."


"I overheard that Revan sent his armies to one of the moons, Dxun? I think the name was, so I told the beast riders and the Onderon military, at least a fraction of them, to leave for the moon, to meet them there. But... they'll have no hope unless you... we... defeat Revan and Sion."


Syscha sighed. "But, didn't you and your friends manage to kill almost all of Revan's soldiers anyway?"


"Yes, but, they won't have the masses of creatures on their sides, and even if they manage to somehow claim victory, Revan and Sion, should they arrive there, will easily be able to be rid of the remnants."


"Actually... the riders can tame wild beasts to do their bidding, right? Almost immediately?"


"Yeah, not to complete obedience, but to a level where they can send basic commands. Why?"


"Well, Dxun is a massive jungle, filled with every Onderanian creature from Cannoks to Zakkegs, though, I'm not sure if there'll be drexls. But I'm sure there are."


"Then the odds are in our favor, if we can defeat Revan and Sion."

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The bombardment ceased, leaving the entire planet, in a smoldering ruin.


Kelborn, and mandalore stood up, and and looked at eachother.


Sion picked himself off the ground and tilted his head and cracked his neck defiant.


"Onderon is a smoking ruin, the palace is wrecked, there is nothing here left except revenge." Sion angrily grumbled.


"Patience my friend. This planet is but one of many, my fleets have begun assaulting the entire galaxy. Onderon was a necessary casualty." Revan smugly replied.


Sion turned to face the main door to the palace. "come jedi, meet your destiny." He activates his saber.

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"Kent is coming," Falya said quietly. Then, against her better judgement, she left their cover and ran out toward Kent. "Come quickly," she said. "Given any amount of luck, we can get out of here before everybody realizes we're gone!" She glanced back the way she'd come. "And yes, I mean them too."

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