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Big Spoiler - Question about very end


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Hello everyone,


(Again, please don't read this post if you don't want to read how the game might end.. :)






So, I was wondering.. I was playing LS, killed Sion, and then Keira.. and, there was this end question if I


- Wanted to follow Revan

- Choose later, and asked Keira to rest

- (Two other questions I can't remember)


.. to which I ansered that I wanted to let Keira rest.. well, after that the game ended.. !!?? My surprise was due to the fact that I've read posts that talked about killing harder opponents after Keira and that you were fighting Malak etc.. plus, I was only level 16 (although others in group were level 22-23).. Maximum limit is 50.. how could the game end here, for me..?? When do you fight Malak..?? is it when playing the DS or..?


btw, I really loved this game.. I played MANY hours this first round hehe.. had been cool had there been many more planets and characters as well.. hope they will make extentions in the future !! :)

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a vision..? aha.. so you mean it's not real fight then..? hmm.. okay..


thanks for your answer ! :)


(ehm, btw, what's a prestige class again..?) also, how do make that "spoiler" thing.. where the text is written on that white background..? I tried to make it but couldn't find an icon.. I assume it's not done "manually"..?

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