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Something Incredibly New


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I would like to see someone (a modder like Darth333, T7, Redhawk and Svosh) or a group of professional modders come up with something incredibly new.


Until I can figure out how to do all this can some modders get together and make the ultimate Dark Character. Like I would like to see your character talking with all new lines and all new outfit totally new.


I would like to see a dark character with a flowing cape(when you modders figure out how to do that), all new robe, hood, and wicked awsome mask to hide your hidiously dark sided face(with the mask being really awsome).


I would also like that character to have its own lightsaber. Any modders out there let me know.


I would also like to have this character have a robotic arm from where it was once cut off and maybe eyes like General Grevious' or evil Anakins.

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Why a modder like Darth333, T7, RedHawke, and Svosh? Are us new modders to bad for you???? Nah, I'm just kidding, that is a good idea, but it would take a lot of work.



I know u were joking but i mentioned those name because those are the only modders that I know of.


Can some1 help me get started on modding because I suck at following instructions, do any of u modders have msn that you can guide me through it?


OK, basically everything you asked for is either impossible or very unlikely to happen. Sorry to burst your bubble.



I was just hoping to see something new is all.


Is it impossible to edit a robe from a main character(like Nihilus, Revan) and a mask and making something of it.


triple posts merged by d333 - maybe I should start calling this "modding threads"

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Alright, KOTORfan, first of all, don't triple post. That's what the EDIT button is there for :)


Your questions about modding should be directed right in the Holowan Labs forum, not the mod request forum. But since I'm such a good person, I'll give you some links to get started.


Go Here to get an idea of how to get started modding and get the tools that you'll need to do it. Check out this thread for some mod tutorials. Also check out the tutorials forums at the top of Holowan Labs.


And no, it's not impossible to make a new mask or edit one, but currently we can't make new robe models or edit them very much. Only move a few verts around and stuff.


Hope this helps you out.

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And no, it's not impossible to make a new mask or edit one, but currently we can't make new robe models or edit them very much. Only move a few verts around and stuff.


Hope this helps you out.



I heard somewhere that you modders are trying to crack something that lets you make flowing capes. Is that true because that would be awsome to see flowing capes.

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