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MP Hilts and Swords in SP


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Man, this is requires a slightly technical process. :-\ Light Ninja posted a good way to do that.


Open up your Assets1.pk3 file, browse to the UI Directory and load up Saber.menu


Try to make some sense of the file, I know its tough the first time you look at it.. and the 2nd time... and the 3rd. After a while, however, you start to understand, crap, you can even make your own menus, rearange everything in the JKA system sooner or later by messing with these files. Anyways, you don't care about that, you care about a saber hilt:


I havn't done this before, but I am sure it will work


Check out this peice of code:



		name				hiltbut
		group				none
		text				@MENUS_HILT1
		descText			@MENUS_HILT1_DESC
		rect				240 132 160 16
		font				4
		textscale			1
		textalign			ITEM_ALIGN_LEFT
		textstyle			1
		textalignx			0
		textaligny			0
		forecolor			.65 .65 1 1

		cvarTest			ui_saber_type
		hideCvar			{ "staff" }

		cvar				"ui_saber"
		//FIXME: read these from sabers.cfg + *.sab?
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT1 "single_1"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT2 "single_2"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT3 "single_3"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT4 "single_4"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT5 "single_5"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT6 "single_6"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT7 "single_7"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT8 "single_8"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT9 "single_9"

		visible				1

			show			hiltbut_glow 
			hide			hiltbut_glow 
			play			"sound/interface/choose_hilt.wav"
			uiScript  		"saber_hilt"


Don't pee your pants, lol... you only have to add one line.


Im pretty sure thats what makes the sabers come up in the beginning (when you "make your own saber")


Ok, make sure you have the name of the .SAB file (should be in your hilts .pk3 file)


Where the code says


			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT1 "single_1"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT2 "single_2"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT3 "single_3"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT4 "single_4"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT5 "single_5"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT6 "single_6"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT7 "single_7"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT8 "single_8"
			@MENUS_SINGLE_HILT9 "single_9"


I think you can add in @MENUS_REFERENCE_NAME "SAB_FILE_NAME_HERE" under them...


Put the file in a NEW PK3... with the same name and extension in a UI directory.


Now, load up Assets0.pk3

Its time to name your SABER Hilt.




Just go all the way to the bottom and add in


NOTES               "saber hilt name"
LANG_ENGLISH        "Any Name you want goes here... EX: NINJA SWORD or DARTH MAUL'S LIGHTSABER"


But make sures its before the line that says "ENDMARKER"


Save that under the same name and directorys in the same PK3 you put the other file (its ok to edit the other one you made)



*Notes: If your really confused, this should clear some stuff up


You open PK3s with a program called WINZIP or PAKSCAPE.

A PK3 is really just a ZIP file called PK3 to trick casual users not to open them, lol.


You can load the other files in NOTEPAD.


As you can see, its not overly complicated, just a bit of text editing... I know that long peice of code is intimidating... but you only have to add ONE line.



Post if you need more help. Just make sure you don't edit the original PK3 files, or you will screw up your game, big time. I think you can just uninstall and reinstall if that happens, but its not worth the trouble.

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If I hafta reinstall the game after this, I'm gonna kick you in the nuts.


Edit: Okay I found the code and whatnot but I hit a brickwall: The hilt(its actually afull on sword I want)is in a map pk3 and I can't find in. WhattdoIdoIcantfigureitouti'mlostfortheloveofchristhelpmeplease!

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Hmmm... after looking around I think you are right. You have to use the name in the .SAB File too...




saberModel	"models/weapons2/saber_1/saber_1.glm"
soundOn		"sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"
soundLoop	"sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"
soundOff	"sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"
saberLength	40
saberColor	random


Name is that "@MENUS_REFERENCE_NAME" I was ment. And yeah, look under the directorys riceplant mentioned for the correct files.


If I hafta reinstall the game after this, I'm gonna kick you in the nuts.


You won't have to reinstall as long as you don't change the original pk3 files. In fact, you could probably just copy and paste them from the disk... but whatever. Most programs like PAKSCAPE will ask you if you want to save the changes... and then you click no if its one of the ASSETS PK3 files.

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Ugh, I can't find the saberfile in the map pk3. When I open it up all I get is










It doesn't have a model in any of the subdiretories either >:(


The map is called Twilight Streets and the weapon is -Jade- so if either of you guys happen to know what I'm talking about or have the map or(better yet)know where I can just flat out get the -Jade- that'd be WAY better.

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EDIT: Yeah, well, I don't think Multiplayer requires a SAB file (could be wrong) however, since there is no MODELS directory, this can't be right. The sword is probably in another PK3.


EDIT2: http://pcgamemods.com/mod/3606.html is that it? Szico VII doesn't mention a sword... or any -Jade- thing.


I've searched PcGameMods, JK3Files, LucasFiles, and can't find anything. Can you give us a DL link?

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AH!! It comes with the JA+2.3 mod. I figured it was Twilight Streets because when I deleted that pk3 it disappeared so I just figured that was it. But to be safe, I started JA+ and voila there it was.


Dee dee dee!


The pk3 has it named saber_ElvishDesign

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