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question for the USM team & stoffe-mdb-(requesting permission)


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well since I don't know where to put this and it is a request kind of I'm putin it here


I'm modifiying one of my mods a bit and was gonna make it compatible with the USM for the additional training but I want the USM teams permission before making compatible dlg files


what I'm doing is making it so in my mods that make your padawans into prestige class breaking up the one script into two and adding the fixed dialogs of the base ones and make it one compatible with both the USM mods and Stoffe's handmaiden for female pc mods


so please let me know

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Sorry Revan, but this would have been better served as PM's to the makers of the USM... this forum isn't about asking permissions... all that should be handled via the PM system.


My suggestion is to delete this thread and start making some PM's... the new system allows you to send up to five or so PM's at once so sending to several people is really easy. ;)

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Sorry Revan, but this would have been better served as PM's to the makers of the USM... this forum isn't about asking permissions... all that should be handled via the PM system.


My suggestion is to delete this thread and start making some PM's... the new system allows you to send up to five or so PM's at once so sending to several people is really easy. ;)


yeah but I forget who all was in it

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bah I r being lazy :xp:

All kidding aside Revan, what I said in my first post still applies... This all doesn't belong here, this forum is for mod requests not asking other modders permission to modify their work. Use the PM system that is what it is for.


Just trying to save you some possible Moderaterror in the future! ;)

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