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Red clone shocktrooper


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I haven't been getting into the repaints and stuff lately. I didn't know about these or other clones coming up or even new characters entirely. I kinda see them in the store and say "Huh? I didn't know they were making him." :p


As for the clones? Nah, it's not that I'm not that nerdy, I'd just prefer that many stormies/ officers/ commandoes/ misc Imps ;):p

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So, who is going to buy 1.2 million of them to be "accurate" to the movies?


And to all you people out there wanting to say nobody would be nerdy enough to do this, don't kid yourselves. You KNOW you'd do it if you have the money and they were available! ;)


And then you'll also need billions of assorted Battle Droids. ;)

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  • 1 month later...
yeah, i love clones! They make awsome figures, i wish i hade a shock tropper. I have big clone army, aout 20 or 30 already and i'm not done!


Holy! You have 20-30?! Sweet. But they do look like they make awsome figures. I don't have any though. (Yet)



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