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Raising max character level from 20 to 30


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This element is hardcoded. However, you can use a mod to start out as a Jedi and then level up if you don't want to play normally or save levels.


There are quie a few mods around for this including Grif Vindh's padawan mod: http://www.starwarsknights.com/kotor1mods.php


You can also use KSE to add a Jedi class right after character creation (make sure to install the patched .dlg files too): http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

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Yes, there are quite a few at pcgm or you have GU's "all force and feats" mod available here: http://alvin777t.tripod.com/ (it says site closed but all the downloads work) note that this mod works only with K1.


You can also use KSE available on our website ( http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php ) and add whatever force powers and feats you want.

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