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Csports.net providing a service for the JKJA community.


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I've known about this for a long long time. Hell, I even have a Gold Account (only because i'm a long-serving member though :p). Unfortunately, I find it pretty inaccurate for JA (althoguh i liked it for 1.6), and it's kind of slow now.


Still fun to use heh. :)


With your feedback we can make it better :-). Indicate to us what the bots are and we'll delete them. If we're not tracking you, that can be, but if you submit the IP& port of the server we're not picking up we'll add it straight away.


Anwyays, glad you liked it :-)

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With your feedback we can make it better :-). Indicate to us what the bots are and we'll delete them. If we're not tracking you, that can be, but if you submit the IP& port of the server we're not picking up we'll add it straight away.


Anwyays, glad you liked it :-)


just one example: for the ojp mod, it only records the ffa maps in the maps section yet it records siege and ctf in the frags count. not only that the ranking combines all frags i gather so while 100 or 2 might be a decent frag count going through the holocron/jedimaster cycle, its easy to get 1000 or so going through the ctf/siege cycle

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You should also record kills by what weapon the kill was gotten with.


You should also list captures, assists and goals completed (if that's possible).


I know those things are listed in the console, and the data should be retrievable somehow.


Also who you were killed by in an individual game. Like ngstats for Unreal Tournament, you should be able to look at an individual match (or game on a certain date) and see who killed who and with what. ;)

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