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"Heart of the Force" Sabers


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Degobah Green - a green blade with a very faint yellow core. It has the same stats as the Jedi Master Prestige Class Saber produced by Maverick187 & RedHawke, but the blade is distinctly different.


Weaponmaster Blue-green - The same color and stats as the Jedi Weaponmaster Prestige Class Saber produced by Maverick187 & RedHawke. I included it because it is one of my all time favorite saber colors!


Thanks to Maverick187 for the inspiration from the Prestige Class Sabers.


I'm glad to have played even the tiniest part of inspiration to your mod, and Blue-Green has always been a favorite of mine :) Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to use your mod, but it looks very well done and this animated texture thing has piqued my interest :thumbs1:


and I may be a little late, but for anyone who is interested, a direct link download from PCgamemods.com

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Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to use your mod, but it looks very well done and this animated texture thing has piqued my interest :thumbs1:


The animated texture was OldFlash's idea. All I had intended was for it to glow, but he added the pulsating effect and that is what inspired the name "Heart" of the Force. You really should try it out.

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The animated texture was OldFlash's idea. All I had intended was for it to glow, but he added the pulsating effect and that is what inspired the name "Heart" of the Force. You really should try it out.


I've downloaded it, I'll definetly give it a go the next time I get a chance ;)

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