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An Interview of You


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AKA: A thread in which I immortilaze you in an English paper. Albeit, a very important English paper that will carry on from high school to college.


I already have a similar thread like this posted up in Psychonauts. (Instead this time I am asking for opinions instead of pictures) I'm interviewing fans of his games to convey to my peers that his works have influenced people. I do not need your names I simply need your thoughts.




What enticed you to buy this game.

What drew you into it.

Has your view on video games changed or stayed the same after playing this?

Additional thoughts, comments?


Thank you. And if anyone could point me out to some sound clips I would be very grateful.

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I didn't buy the game, my brother did. One look at the box art and I was convinced that it would suck. I thought it was some kind of sales agent simulator thing. How wrong I was...


I only started playing it because I was bored and we didn't have any other game installed at the time. It took about five minutes before I was hooked.


After playing GF I got interested in PC gaming. Before that I had been a pure Nintendo girl. I started expecting bigger and better stories from games and I now have a dislike for action sequences.


GF also gave me an interest in film noir. I doubt I would have ever watched Casablanca without having played the game beforehand.


You can find some Nick and Olivia related soundclips on my site (see my profile). I'm sure someone else can help you with Manny and the rest.

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This is great.


After playing GF I got interested in PC gaming. Before that I had been a pure Nintendo girl. I started expecting bigger and better stories from games and I now have a dislike for action sequences.


This is going to help me prove that people have felt differently from his games. Exactly what I was looking for.


Thank you once again for the sound clips. I spent all last night trying to find some that were not over a couple of minutes

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What enticed you to buy this game.

- I was always a LucasArts adventure game fan. After reading about it I went "why not?" and bought it.


What drew you into it.

- At first, the graphics. It had good art direction and it was also the first adventure I played with 3D graphics. Soon the story, style, music, voices, everything that made the GF universe drew me in.


Has your view on video games changed or stayed the same after playing this?

- My view has changed. I never thought games could affect me emotionally like GF did. Since playing the game I have gotten into adventures a lot more and always look for an experience that can compare with GF. (so far to no avail)


Additional thoughts, comments?

- Grim Fandango is the best game ever!

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Additional thoughts, comments?

- Grim Fandango is the best game ever!




Something that popped up a lot while asking fans of Grim Fandango was that it emotionally impacted them and from then on they are looking for games to equal that conecction.


Interestingly...or uninterestingly enough I got an A on the project. One of the comments I kept on finding was that she was suprised I had interviewed the fans and that had showed commitment.


So I must really thank all of you who have helped me upon this and for any of you who play this game. Just being a fan has supported my idea that Grim Fandango impacts people.


And hey, now I got one spiffy project for graduation.

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Interview me! Interview me! Okay, okay... here it goes, at first I really didn't like the idea of being 3D, I was just finishing Monkey Island 3 and loved it, then I read about GF in PC Games magazine and the guy that wrote the article was either stupid or mentally handycaped, it didn't discribe the game well. I really didn't want to play it just because it was 3D. The thing that took my mind of that was that picture of sanspoof, I just love mexican art and then I rememberd seeing that skeleton (Manny) somewhere before (gues where? Duh!) so I finnaly bought the game and when it started it simply blew my mind away, the music was extraordinary. The whole noir atmosphere drew me deeper into the game until it ended, now I can't get enough of the GF universe. But still I would have liked it more if it would have been like MI 3.

Long live... uh... whatever!

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Thanks Necroman for answering. I find it cool that you'd still want to answer this even after I finished the project.


I remember when video games first went into the 3-d market. I didn't like it very much, c'mon nothing can beat Yoshi's Island or Goof Troop..but then I started playing some very cool games that totally blew my mind. I guess it's not how things look it's how involving it is.


Speaking about interviews, did anyone read the absolutly fantastic interview between Game Informer and Tim Schafer?

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