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Voices in the Box


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^ no, you don't. You die.

I don't mean to nag but


If you lose, you're mentally trapped in the box. The Rakatan possesses your body and you just get stuck in the box until another curious George opens the box because people on a certain forum told him to.


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Chaleur, you have sharp ears. Now that my SwKotor tech issue is fixed, I made it to the Box. I heard whispers, but all I could make out was something like "Sith". So, that's a good pair of ears you have. Don't be hard on yourself. I didn't get any of it, I was just creeped out. :shiver:


You know, someone should make a mod to give a small amount of XP for getting out. I got out on my first attempt through, meaning I didn't lose there, but I would have liked to get at least 50 XP, since the stakes were so high. :)

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Some of them MAY have been difficult had I not heard so many of them before. But, like the Rakatan, I have no clue as to how to get the answer to the question my player asked (I am good with #'s, but not in riddles.)


And JMJ, I went into the Box so I could test the voices. Not to mention, I was fairly confident that I wouldn't lose... since I now have a save slot marked "Korr_The Box". Right before I opened it. :) I would have expected a black void, though, not a white one... :)

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I said they COULD have been hard if I hadn't known the answer beforehand. Since I do know... never mind. All I really wanted to say was that as a kid (unlike Mission, I can admit it) I don't know all the same things. But since I was told them before, and lost small change by them, I remember the riddles.

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Theis is what I heard:

"That was one of the best ...s ever." - couldn't make it out

"Nobody wants to talk about the sith because they could have killed us all"

"Did you hear about the Sith named Revan?"

"Do you want to see..." - couldn't make it out

"Gather up all the children(...)" - their may have been more, I couldn't tell.

".....it's not one of the...." - didn't hear this at all

"Everyone's talking about the war. You can't escape it."

I could be wrong, but this is what I heard.

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