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Star Wars Kotor movies being made

Revan Skywalker

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Well, I'll be getting the package on Christmas, ( perfect timing huh?) and they will be individual and it will be for fun. When I will release it, hmmm, probably around February.


That is quite a short time. Especially if there will be voice acting. (Which I'm guessing there will be)

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interesting product....


I'd push the completion date to A YEAR from February (and that wouldn't be a full length film)...


You'll have to make each of the characters, all the props, the environment, settings, tables, desks, pens pencils, potted plants, backdrops, placement of objects, etc...


and that doesn't even mention voice acting, storyline, plot/char development, camera angles....


That's a MAJOR project...


Forgive me for being a bit skeptical... but I'm not sure if you realized how much work that really is...

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kudos for your idea and drive - but i would seriously suggest trying to 'make' the movie as a test just with the game itself (and perhaps some well placed mods) - getting dialogue, editing and doing cuts is a serious chore, and if your going to do all the modeling in addition you'll probably spend at least 3 months making just the trailer...


MUCH better (especially for all us out here eager for your STORY) to make something entertaining now, and then perhaps due like FTC and expand into 3D modelling later on.


(guessing that your main drive is telling a great kotor story - not spending nights getting walkmeshes, vertices and textures to line up, then weekends waitng for a proper render)


http://www.bloodspell.com is a good reference - they are a large team, have been working on making a 'movie' for a over a year - but mainly by building on top of neverwinter nights

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