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Two Confusing Quests


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^ I would wait until all the patches are done and the restoration is complete, even if it takes a while. I don't want to have bits and pieces of the game back each time I play it, I want to experience the whole game the way it should have been released.

BTW, I was exploring the dialogue editor, and saw some Xbox live dialogue. Apparently, Atton was added to the game at the last minute (wasn't everything?). Does anyone else have any more information on that?

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:eyeraise: Uh... Doc? The fixes I referred to at the RP site are not part of the restoration project proper, they are simple game bug fixes that they have collected or made for the game and placed for download.


Wait if you want to, but you should download those fixes, they are worth it. ;)

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Not only that, but the RP is not going to miraculously make it a whole new game. Much of the ambiguity was written in intentionally. Waiting for the project to finish before playing will not rectify that, as The Doctor seems to think it will.


This is the second post that I've seen from the good doctor tonight that's caused me to question his reasoning skills. Luckily, I know how to avoid seeing similar posts in the future :D

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^ It may not fix the whole game, but it will add to it significantly.

Sorry Doc, but it won't "add to it significantly" it will add the Droid Factory, and restore some of the NPC's cutscenes on Malachor showing their fates, that's about it. While it is going to be cool, and it is a lot of work to pull off, it will not be what you seem to think. Just an FYI! ;)

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^ Well that sucks. Here I was thinking the game would be a lot better. Now you've destroyed my will live.

It is better having me inform you now, instead of after you have downloaded it, played the game and it wasn't what you expected. That would be worse, no? ;)

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