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The G-men

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  Purple Squid said:
I don't know! My mind is very special.


G-Men. I wonder how the doll is going.


I wonder too, myself. I've drawn the G-peep design over the blue cloth but I'm planning on finishing all my homework before starting to sew. It would be preferably to find a sewing machine.


And, as for Boyd... he's like that crazy uncle I've never had but always wanted to make my family more interesting.

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  SandyPhanta said:
I always thought that before, Boyd probably already had a wife and kids or something o_o;


I would think he was too insane for that. His insaneness does not just rely on paranodyness (shut up) it relies on his questioning of the world which usually does come off as paranoid. He's not scared of things, but he knows something is always happening.

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  Klia said:
I would think he was too insane for that. His insaneness does not just rely on paranodyness (shut up) it relies on his questioning of the world which usually does come off as paranoid. He's not scared of things, but he knows something is always happening.


Being paranoid of something is nearly the same as being afraid of it. If you're wary of something, you're cautious of it. Why? Because it might do something to you.


So, in conclusion. Boyd is both SCARED AND AFRAID. Plus he'd make a weird looking bride.


Paranoidyness, awww. <3

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  Purple Squid said:
I can snap amazingly. I take both my hands and use fingers from each one to snap.


Also, I can raise my right eyebrow in a sarcastic manner.


I can snap all of my fingers, and I can do my eyebrows and....I used to be able to skip rocks.


Sorry for just throwing you to the side Allie. Maybe his dad worked in the government when he was little.

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  SandyPhanta said:
I always thought that before, Boyd probably already had a wife and kids or something o_o;


If he did at one point, that would make his problem even more sad. And lonely.


My superpower? Eating copious amounts of ice cream.


Oh, and the splendifirous ability to drop things at especially inopportune times.

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