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model-specific animations


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It's not something we've done. Not sure why you would think that. I suppose you could emulate such behavior by storing all the animations in the _humanoid.gla and then only play them on specific models.


However, trying to do model specific animations with preexisting, basejka playermodels and external files is basically impossible.

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  • 4 months later...
It's not something we've done. Not sure why you would think that. I suppose you could emulate such behavior by storing all the animations in the _humanoid.gla and then only play them on specific models.


However, trying to do model specific animations with preexisting, basejka playermodels and external files is basically impossible.



Not trying to undermine anyone, but why would it be impossible? There are multiple .gla files used by basejka for various models.


<Suggestion> If you wanted custom animation files for each character, you could set up a typedef struct that would contain flag variables (similar to classes). Name them something like MODEL_JAN, MODEL_KYLE, MODEL_DESANN, etc. Then set the code to assign the proper flag to each player model. Then, you can simply specify which of your custom .gla's would load when that model is selected.


<Problem>I'm not quite sure of this, but though my suggestion could work, why would you want to use custom .gla's? Having multiple .gla's loaded at one time would be difficult for the server to keep track of, and for 32 player games, where each player is using a different .gla, the server might even crash.


<Suggestion#2>Just go into bg_saber.c and modify the SetSaberMove() function to include an extra int input that would represent the player model's class flag (you know, MODEL_KYLE, etc.) and use this flag inside SetSaberMove() to determine which of your new anims (that you merged into _humanoid.gla with Glamerge) get stored in the torso animation's variable, I believe it's something like saber.torsoAnim, but I could be off. Anyway, this would considerably take a load off the server-side, and reduce the needed client-server commmunication (which is a good thing). It would put more load on the client side, but the affect would be negligable.

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Simply put, you can't have more than one .gla file running per model. All that stuff is handled in the engine code and we are lacking the syscall that allows multiple glas per model to work.


That's why I mentioned the merged humanoid.gla. However, that would be a pretty big hassle and not something that is truely per-model based.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only reason you'd really want seperate anims is for Map Specific NPCs. (I like to call them Ambient NPCs)


Which is possible. You compile your anims that you want, and hex edit an existing model to point to them. The model references the gla in a simple ascii string within the glm.

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Simply put, you can't have more than one .gla file running per model. All that stuff is handled in the engine code and we are lacking the syscall that allows multiple glas per model to work.


That's why I mentioned the merged humanoid.gla. However, that would be a pretty big hassle and not something that is truely per-model based.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the MP source allows for multiple .glas to run at once. It can load _humanoid, and any of the already model-specific "model.gla"s that it uses to animate the skeletons for the rancor, rockettrooper, saber-droid etc., all of which can be loaded into a single JKA/Quake3 scene. Why would engine access be required for .gla loading anyway? Worst-case scenario, you use a trap_ function, which aren't too difficult to figure out. :sithk:

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so its a nogo on have a truly lefthanded saberist cause that would of been way cool oh well


Not true. You can merge new anims into the main _humandoid.gla.


If you then want it model specific your going to need to define it codewise.

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The needed trap_ for switch between glas for a given model is missing in MP.

That sucks. :bossk:


Yep. So what a model is compiled to point to is all you get. You can't dynamically switch gla's.

So does that. :dtrooper:


If you then want it model specific your going to need to define it codewise.


Also not true. I don't have anything like 3DsMax, so I use Dragon, and it grants the ability to move the tag to which the saber is attached to any position in space (within a certain proximity of the player). All one would have to do is go into it and make custom animations, switching the left- and right-hand tags (actually they're bones, I'm just calling them "tags" because of all this talk about sabers). This would probably be the easiest way to accomplish something of that nature anyway, as changing the code to handle a left-handed saberist would still require custom "left-handed" animations.:syoda:


BTW: Thanks to its creators for the Dragon utility. Aside from GTKRadiant, it's the single greatest tool for editing JKA. :hattip:

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Sure have. I've been working on some custom saber animations (new stances, attacks, blocks, parries, the works). Slow going right now, though. The calculus required for my computer science degree is kicking me in the rumpus.


Oh, and Razorace: void trap_G2_GLAGetName(). Found it, and it does really suckaroo :ball: .

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Also not true. I don't have anything like 3DsMax, so I use Dragon, and it grants the ability to move the tag to which the saber is attached to any position in space (within a certain proximity of the player).


Thats not what I meant by model specific.

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Thats not what I meant by model specific.

I'm sorry, keshire. I meant no disrespect. :giveup:


Cool. Mind talking about the mod you're doing?

Why not. I wanted to adjust the saber system into a more Soul Caliber 2 type feel, with a block-and-counter system. It's very slow work for me, as I'm making all new custom saber anims, and I'm the farthest thing from an animator that there is. But once I get that out of the way, I plan on completely revamping the force power system. The base JKA powers aren't too terribly bad, but the implentation is horrid. With both the saber system and the force powers I want to get away from the "hold the attack button and run around" gameplay that seems to have carried over from Quake3. I want the Jedi to be precise, and leave the "run and gun" to the blaster-toters.


The basic sort of idea for my force power system can be found in this thread.

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Why not. I wanted to adjust the saber system into a more Soul Caliber 2 type feel, with a block-and-counter system. It's very slow work for me, as I'm making all new custom saber anims, and I'm the farthest thing from an animator that there is. But once I get that out of the way, I plan on completely revamping the force power system. The base JKA powers aren't too terribly bad, but the implentation is horrid. With both the saber system and the force powers I want to get away from the "hold the attack button and run around" gameplay that seems to have carried over from Quake3. I want the Jedi to be precise, and leave the "run and gun" to the blaster-toters.


Cool, I look forward to seeing your work. I hope you like what we've done with the Enhanced saber system. I haven't played Soul Caliber 2, but I'm sure its sword combat is a million times better than base jka's.

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It's much better, and much more complex. And thanks for the support; I'll get the mod out there as soon as I can.


As far as Enhanced's saber system; well, it's definitely a HUGE improvement on BaseJKA's system, but I'm afraid that I suck at using it. I keep getting the snot beat out of me by the TABbots! :bluflag1:

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It's much better, and much more complex. And thanks for the support; I'll get the mod out there as soon as I can.


As far as Enhanced's saber system; well, it's definitely a HUGE improvement on BaseJKA's system, but I'm afraid that I suck at using it. I keep getting the snot beat out of me by the TABbots! :bluflag1:


LOL, don't even try to fight the staff bots, they are very overpowered in 0.0.9. The single saber bots really aren't that hard once you get the hang of the system. It's all about comboing and knowing when to parry. If worse comes to worse, parry them and kick them while their slowbouncing and hit them on the ground.


Also remember to watch when they do a heavier slow bounce because that means they are low on dp. When this happens, you can hit their saber and mishap them ( if you can hit it in time), blast them with force power, or try and hit them with an attack fake and hope they have low enough DP to get mishaped. If you have no idea what I'm saying here, read the manual.

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