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Module editor question

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How did you extract the module for editing?


If you just used the Extract button for the .git, .are, and .ifo files, you won't see the other things that were in the module originally.


I don't know what your level of experience is, so pardon me if I speak below your level, but here's a brief explanation on how modules work...


A .git file tells the game engine what should be present in a module by making references to the items in it. These items have to exist as the various ut* files either in the module itself (editable instances in Kotor Tool parlance) or in the game's templates.bif file (non-editable references).


The easiest way to edit an existing module and to learn how they work is to extract the complete contents of one into a project folder, then open it in the module editor and experiment. This is how I learned how things work and also helped me to improve the features of the editor, too.


After you get comfortable with the inner workings of a module, add, change, and delete until you like what you get. On the topic of building the output mod file, I like to have mine go right into the game's Modules folder. This way, I can just start the game, load a save with the party configured as I like for testing, then warp to my module (whatever I saved the .mod as).

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That would explain why you don't see the original items in-game. You have a .git that refers to items that you didn't extract, and while they'll show up in the module editor, the files to support them aren't present and so cannot be added to the .mod file.


You need to use the right-click menu on module to get the Extract for module editing menu item, then use that to extract. This will ensure that you're extracting what you want and removing any references in the .git for those things that you do not.

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Lips are the movements of NPC's lips when they talk. Building a new module seems to make them keep their mouths shut while they talk.

You have to extract the .lip file(s) you use in your dialogs for your module to your override, then NPC's will talk normally. ;)

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Thanks. Where do I extract them from, though? There isn't anything about lips in KOTOR tool.


No one has show much interest in .lip files until recently, so Kotor Tool doesn't explicitly support their extraction. However, you can go to the Lips directory under the main game directory, grab the .mod file for the module you want, copy it to the Modules folder, then extract its contents in Kotor Tool from the ERFs | Modules tree section.

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