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Wow. Am I not getting anything.


Say wha? When did this happen.


A VERY long time ago, when Nathan and Raz were at a gallery thing. In the DFAN, Tim said you could ask them questions while you were there.


He said you could ask if Nathan 'Bagels' Stapley was available. I was like, 'Aww, Bagels.'

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Hah! Mine's thirty where I am.


Was Scott C or Nathan at the questionaire thing?


Oh, I know this is self-indulgent, but I really am digging that Napolean in my sig. SKeletons were always my favorite Halloween creature.


EDIT: One way you can tell they are my posts: I use a lot of these, ; instead of these '.

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Hah! Mine;s thirty where I am.


Was Scott C or Nathan at the questionaire thing?


Oh, I know this is self-indulgent, but I really am digging that Napolean in my sig. SKeletons were always my favorite Halloween creature.


I thought the Bowler Hat Skelly was awesome. And looks uber cool in your sig.


Scott wasn't there, I think. But Tim said you could ask Bagels/Raz why Scott made the Meat Circus so hard.

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I thought the Bowler Hat Skelly was awesome. And looks uber cool in your sig.


Scott wasn't there, I think. But Tim said you could ask Bagels/Raz why Scott made the Meat Circus so hard.


Because he hates us.


Oh, I finally got what Bagels means. Amazing, no?


I dig hats as well. Espically Classic Italian Fedora Hats.

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I'm wearing a classy Italian fedora hat tomorrow.


I miss the S.S. Bagels.


Oh, and I hate Scott, too. That hoodlum.


Bang, bang, you shot me down.


That's all that comes to mind.


HOLY SHIZ. You are wearing a Fedora hat? I need it so..wait. I already have one and I'm wearing it tommorow as well. Wow, and I didn't even know about it.

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Bang, bang, you shot me down.


That's all that comes to mind.


HOLY SHIZ. You are wearing a Fedora hat? I need it so..wait. I already have one and I'm wearing it tommorow as well. Wow, and I didn't even know about it.


Aha, Scott is far too deep and spiritualistic for me to hate. That dork.


Yeah, my hat is 'da bomb'. And it looks awesome. And smells good.


Like magical $100s.

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What I find cool is the art-change in Scott's comic.


Then- http://www.doublefine.com/comics/scott_comic.php3?n=003


Nowish- http://www.doublefine.com/comics/scott_comic.php3?n=189


I can only explain the second comic choice with the fact that I love Captain.


Yeah I noticed that as well and it confused me. While I love the old style I dig the new style more.


Can't say which one I love better though.


Thank you, I wonder who I credit...

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I'm assuming you're human, so I guess those guys.


I like the new style more. Can we call it a new style? Ever since they introduced Thompson and Captain, Scott's been drawing in the more detailed style. And they were pretty much in the beginning.


Newish style.


You don't like the inked border style?




The last panel roxs my soxs.


The new style is softer and makes for much better icons.

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Whatever happened to Thompson? Has he run off with a new Captain?


We do see them at the carnival but....but.


Maybe he's too busy cleaning up the mess Captain made. Which is extremely gross.


Which reminds me. The Captain's helmet is fully of sick if you check out that comic again. Go ahead check it out.

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Ah, I see you edited it. Meanie.


Yeah--OMG. Ew. I hadn't noticed. That makes me feel worse for Captain.


He hasn't listened to his music in a long time, has he?


Oh, no he hasn't. Maybe that is why he got sick. The music kept his body healthy but without it...he's not healthy.


Thompson is invicinible.


Hey, I wonder how the strongman is related to 2HB. Uncle? Brother?....Father?

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Hm. Let me re-read the one with Thompson's machine and see if I can't make something up.




I can't come up with anything. Perhaps they are such good friends, the magic of love bonds them like brothers.




Amazing Squid. Amazing.

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