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Whispering Rock Fansite..For Sale?


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I'm sure many of you are familiar with the website: Whispering Rock and how it has stopped updating as of recent.


Upon e-mailing the owner of the website I receieved this reply.


I had always planned on continuing the site, but after starting college, things have changed - I haven't had the time I used to have. If you or anyone else is interested in receiving the files and maintaining the site, I'd be glad to hand it over. =) Let me know if you would like to, and as soon as I can, I will start sending you some zipped files of the site.




Suprisingly this is good news. Whispering Rock can be up and running again.


Though I am sad to loose such a good web design artist as Junoluver.


I'll add more categories once we set it up. As in who is in charge of this specific part and on.


Content: Purple Squid, alliespixie, Klia

Web Design:KingCheez,Tarkya, cara, TyraaRane

Additional Content: From the lovable fans. So lovable.

BIG thanks to: Junolover. Who has started this website and has given us free permission to screw it up, much love.




-New site domain Name




-Someone needs to take care of the screenshots/renders/concept art/memory vaults.


-Another Audio


-Another Wallpaper..we could leave that up to fancontent though.


-Move avatars to Multimedia and Add a new fansection with Fan Media.

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Maybe it could be a group website? With more than one person working on it?


I can't design backgrounds for crap, though. Erg. I used to know advanced HTML.


(Oh, and your signature... 'da bomb'.)


That would be totally awesome. I can't do much of anything though. Maybe extra crap as I have limited knowledge of HTML.


alliespixie, are you a master of HTML?


((Thanks. I saw it the first day it came out in theaters. Napolean was such a Washington wannabe.))

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yeah okay. this would make the site more fun, but i dont know how to do backgrounds either. i could read on the subject. anyone know a book i could read up for background designs?


You mean to make the designs or to put them up?

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All I could really be helpful with is the info. Like characters, backgrounds, and stuff like that. I've memorised it because it makes me happy.

Yo, I could help with that as well.


Hey and the fan content needs updating too.


Hell, I'll write a freaking walkthrough.

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Hey, this place has tons of fan content. But... I don't want my stuff on it. No.


Maaan, I can't do walkthroughs for my life.


I've never done one before. Got to start somewhere.


How come you don't want your stuff up there?



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I think its really great your doing this for her. I know Junoluver personally and college has been stressful for her. It would make her happy to know her fan-site isnt sitting there collecting cobwebs.


Oh, is she the one with the lj? Ooooh. Right.


Well, are you going to help? Or are you too much of a sissy?

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I think its really great your doing this for her. I know Junoluver personally and college has been stressful for her. It would make her happy to know her fan-site isnt sitting there collecting cobwebs.


Aww..That is so...so sweet.



Yes I say we vote on the stories. Don't be modest when voting. People here have tough hides. Just as long as you don't go insulting the stories then we are fine.


I'll go get story names. First with FF.net

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Department Store Nightmares

Coach Oleander’s Path of Shame

Always the Same

To Come and Find Me

Two to Tango

Left Behind

The Date

Not Your Typical Mission

Minds of Killers

A Boyd Fanfiction



I vote for Two to Tango.

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