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Strike Cruisers in?


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It would only make sense for the Strike Cruiser to be in. Especially since Petroglyph is going for technology that essentially stopped before Episode IV, Strike Cruisers would be consistent with their plan, as they existed before the Battle of Yavin.


Don't believe me? Lucasarts itself describes how the original Death Star carried a compliment of 4 Strike Cruisers.




...Scattered across the Death Star's surface were thousands of weapons emplacements: a total of 10,000 turbolaser batteries, 2,500 laser cannons, 2,500 ion cannons and 768 tractor beam projectors. The station carried a crew of 265,675, plus 52,276 gunners, 607,360 troops, 25,984 stormtroopers, 42,782 ship support staff, and 167,216 pilots and support crew. The station also carried 7,200 starfighters, four strike cruisers, 3,600 assault shuttles, 1,400 AT-ATs, 1,400 AT-STs, 1,860 drop ships, and more...


Hear that, Petroglyph? Lucasarts? Give us our Strike Cruiser! :Pir1:

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I was talking about the DS in general...it doesn't seem to me that it could support a STRKC, let alone 4.

Just out of curiousity, exactly how large do you think the Strike Cruiser is?? :confused:

And how big is the Death Star??


I fail to see why the Death Star wouldn't be able to accomidate 4 Strike Cruisers, or even more for that matter.


Anyway, I hope the ship is in. :)

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Strike Cruiser is old. It's been in Star Wars for years. It's nothing new.


The Lancer Frigate isn't wedge shaped either. It is also old within Star Wars.


An even older design would be the Dreadnaught. Even this one isn't wedgeshaped.


And then you have the Carrack Cruiser. Again, more round.


Nebulon-B, also ment for the Empire, not wedge shaped either.


There are many ships in the Imperial Navy that isn't wedgeshaped.


But the most prominent ones are. :)

These are also mostly among the largest ships.


There is no set rules what an imperial ship should look like.





If you mean by "right" that the shipmodels are modelled accuratly after established parameters, then I'm right behind you. :)

I'm alittle concerned about the ISD in the game.

It seems yet again the ship will not be accuratly modelled.

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Just out of curiousity, exactly how large do you think the Strike Cruiser is?? :confused:

And how big is the Death Star??


I see the STRKC as the one from X/W Alliance and such. It's almost as big as an ISDII. And those really couldn't fit in the Death Star.


Besides, if there really were STRKC's in the Death Star...then why weren't they sent to destroy the Rebel Base (or tie up the Rebel fighters) on Yavin or sent to get help?

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I see the STRKC as the one from X/W Alliance and such. It's almost as big as an ISDII. And those really couldn't fit in the Death Star.


Even if they are as big as u think (as a ISDII)... A ISDII, as told in the Starwars:Database, has 1600m long...

The first Deathstar for example has 120 kilometer Diameter, the second even 160km!

Even if the STRKC would be not 450 meters long, it would fit in a Deathstar.


Besides, if there really were STRKC's in the Death Star...then why weren't they sent to destroy the Rebel Base (or tie up the Rebel fighters) on Yavin or sent to get help?


Than u could even ask why 7,200 Starfighters not used in the Fights just to hold the entrance into the Deathstar. That was Lucas window of opportunity in his movies. (and maybe even lack of Dollar$ and technology)

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Maybe 7200 T/Fs were just out of the question. Would you want to be the Flight Director for all 7200 T/Fs???


Still, I see your point. Well I do hope that they are in the game. That way I won't have to waste 2 VSDIIs to protect my Broadsides.

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Jan - well the Escort Frigate was actually Rebel, but still. I'm not saying that every Imp ship needs to be wedge shaped, but if you look at most of the Empire's weapons - ISD's, TIE's, AT-AT's, AT-ST's etc - they are all quite angular whereas the Rebels have ether a 'bare industrial' look or are an organic rounded.

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Yes, but Lucas is very simple when it comes to details.


He picks the design, it's background he leaves for other people to explain.

His job is to tell the story. Period.

I mean, the man thinks Anakin got his scar from falling in the tub. :D

He don't care. :)

He leaves stuff like that to others to explain. ;)


Therefor, the Nebulon-B Frigate was contracted by the Empire, but some of them were stolen by the rebels, while others ended up in rebel hands when its crew defected.


End of story.



EDIT: And we do not see it in rebel hands only.

My last name is for instance taken from an Imperial Nebulon-B.

The Warspite is another Nebulon-B Frigate the Empire owns.

I can mention several more too.

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The FRG is an Imperial design...it's just that it tends to be captured quickly and defections are quicker with them b/c of their use in the Outer Rim where no one likes to be assigned.


The B/W was developed as a Frigate Killer...the FRG is a great anti - starfighter platform...harder to kill than the L/FRG too.

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Well, in this case, Windu is wrong.


Yes, the FRG is seen in the Rebel Fleet in the movies and is on the side of the Rebels in Rebellion. However in all the X/W series games (X/W, X/W vs T/F, etc) it is on both sides...and used more by the Empire than the Rebels. I can only think of one time a FRG is used by the Rebels in X/W Alliance.


Also, like I said...the B/W was developed at first to take out Imperial FRGs and M/FRGs and then moved into its role that we see it in normally.

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Well, in this case, Windu is wrong.


He's rarely right. For your sake, stop it before it gets ugly.


Also, Dude, what on earth are 'M/FRGs', 'B/W' (Black & White?) etc? Just use english, it's easier than having to translate.


Go play the old X-Wing/Tie Fighter games ;)



M/FRG=Modified Frigate



All of his abbreviations are the designation in your on-board computer in the old Star Wars flight sims.

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