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Strike Cruisers in?


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I'd love the X-Wing series' Strike Cruiser. It's my all-time favourite Cruiser of the SW universe.


Maybe 7200 T/Fs were just out of the question. Would you want to be the Flight Director for all 7200 T/Fs???

Maybe there was more than one officer in charge of them, such as squadron leaders, wing commanders, et cetera?


Why weren't they covering the hole in the Death Star?

Because they underestimated the rebel ability to effectively penetrate holes and fly around inside tunnels.


Go play the old X-Wing/Tie Fighter games

Best advice I've heard all day. TIE Fighter rules.

Or even better, go buy X-Wing alliance and then go to http://www.xwaupgrade.com. Great graphics in hand, find the TIE Fighter total conversion for XWA and download it (I helped make it, I converted at least one battle:p).

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Alright Jan, so you don't mind if I go ahead and assume the Star Destroyer's are actually Rebel ships, its just that the films don't go into the little details on why the Empire uses them and the Rebels don't?

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you did. :)

So go right ahead. ;)


How you got to that reasoning, I'm not quite sure. Maybe I'm too tired.


But right there lies the key word: Assumption.


"You assume too much"

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Jan - thing is, it would be silly to assume the Star Destroyer is a Rebel ship being used by the Imperials. In much the same fashion, it is just as silly to assume that a ship that is only ever seen in use by the Rebels is really an Imperial craft.


Not only that, but every side in Star Wars has their own distinctive design of weapons. The Naboo, for example, have very sleek and shiny craft while the Rebels have a very 'industrial', 'utility' and 'unfinished' look about their's. The Empire on the other hand is utilitarian, but also very clean, sharp, precise which shows in their designs.


If you look at the Escrot Frigate, regardless of what EU says, the thing is clearly of Rebel origin.

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Juggernaut - so are you also saying that A-wings, B-wings, X-wings, Y-wings, Alderaanian Corevette's, Escort Friagtes, Heavy Transports, Snowspeeders, and Mon Calamari Cruisers are all Imperial in origin?


Remember, the SW galaxy is a massive place and really, a shipyard wouldn't be all that hard to hide.


luke - don't worry, I can handle myself. Actually speaking of, in Melbourne a few days ago a man and women were burgled by a pair of thieves, one with a Samari Sword. During the course of events, the guy got free, got ahold of the Sword, killed one of ththieves and badly hurt the other.

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Jan - thing is, it would be silly to assume the Star Destroyer is a Rebel ship being used by the Imperials.

Well, if you agree it's silly to assume that, then why did you bring it up?

In much the same fashion, it is just as silly to assume that a ship that is only ever seen in use by the Rebels is really an Imperial craft.

There's a difference. That's not an assumption. That is the history of the ship. ;)


It's valid until LucasFilm Ltd. (or whatever the name of the division that controls this is called, Lucas Licensing perhaps?) deems it otherwise.


Neither you, nor me, can override that fact.


And again, it's not only seen on the rebel side.

Just because you have seen it only on the rebel side, doesn't mean squat.


Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of stuff in the EU I don't care for (Suncrusher for one thing), or even acknowledge (again, Suncrusher :p ), but I don't dive head long into a debate, trying to disprove it. As long as it's an acknowledged part of the Star Wars Universe, I will lose that debate easily.


My personal opinion don't mean squat in the end.

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Dude - it's a Corvette, it's the personal ship of the Alderaanian Senator. It's not Rocket Science.


I hope CEC (or should I say Corellian Engineering Corp.) doesn't see this...you may get sued. Just because it is used by someone of another Star System doesn't make it a product of that system.


The Princess was using it because it is wide use in the galaxy. The Rebels, Pirates, and the Imperials alike used the ship so often that it was able to slip through blockades...hence the nickname, "Blockade Runner".


Also, Alderaan doesn't have shipyards or a military for that matter. Why do you think Tarkin was so willing to attack in the first place. Yes, it was Leia's homeworld...but it was also defenseless. Tarkin wasn't stupid...at least not until he didn't evacuate at Yavin.

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Luke - no. In the modern world with Globalisation and whatnot, products from one country inevitably end up in the markets of almost every other country.


However, the Star Wars universe is different. Every faction in Star Wars (and other sci-fi series, like Star Trek) has their own, unique architecture and design. The Imperial units look different to Republic units, which look different to Confederacy units, which look different to Naboo units - and so on.


The reason behind this is so that audiences, particually those whose minds aren't poisened by heretic EU, can instantly tell what faction a unit, ship, building etc belongs to without having to think too hard about it. A great example is the four starships Amidala has in EpI-III. While they are slightly different designs, they are linked by the common feature of being completely silver.


Much the same, because Alderaan is an important world in SW, and Bail Organa is an important figure in the saga, he was given a ship that would instantly be recognised as Alderaanian. Besides, it makes sense that the Rebel Alliance uses ex-Alderaanian ships in their combat fleet - after all, they had to go somewhere when Alderaan disarms and Organa is in a good position to make them disapear.



Dude -

"The Princess was using it because it is wide use in the galaxy. The Rebels, Pirates, and the Imperials alike used the ship so often that it was able to slip through blockades...hence the nickname, "Blockade Runner"."


Or it could have just been that it was made by Alderaan. Also, never in the films is it referred to as a 'Blockade Runner'.


"Also, Alderaan doesn't have shipyards or a military for that matter. Why do you think Tarkin was so willing to attack in the first place. Yes, it was Leia's homeworld...but it was also defenseless. Tarkin wasn't stupid...at least not until he didn't evacuate at Yavin"


lol, of course Alderaan doesn't have shipyards, its all blown up lol. Anyway, irrespective of whether Alderaan had shipyards in the OT, prove they didn't in the PT. After all, they could have just dismantled their shipyards they they disarmed.

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I say it again, Windu.


You can form your own opinion about stuff, but if it goes against the established policy fact, which you do not control at all mind you, then you are in the wrong. :)


Give it up before you make an even more fool out of yourself.

Don't jump headlong into a debate you are doomed to lose.


If you have the slightest proof whatsoever besides the assumptions you present here, then post it, and I'll be happy to join your cause.


But until you actually can find something about this that contradicts established policy facts, then you have nothing, except your own opinion and assumptions on what Star Wars is.


EDIT: And don't you dare compare Star Wars to Star Trek. :D

Blasphemist. :p

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Jan - as you should know by now, I'm not afraid of jumping into a fight I can't win.


According to canon, the Escort Frigate is Imperial, and the Corvette is Corellian. This is, whoever decided that is wrong. There have been a huge number of times EU has later been found to be wrong and contradicted by the films or Lucas. A good example of this is Boba Fett. EU says he lives, Lucas says he died.


Irrespective of what these authors and whatnot say, as I said, they are wrong, and nothing is going to change my opinion on the matter.


As for Star Trek, thing is they are comparable in that regard. Star Trek always has been and always will be better than the SW OT, not sure about the PT though. :)

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Jan - as you should know by now, I'm not afraid of jumping into a fight I can't win.

I know, just handing out a good advice. ;)


According to canon, the Escort Frigate is Imperial, and the Corvette is Corellian. This is, whoever decided that is wrong. There have been a huge number of times EU has later been found to be wrong and contradicted by the films or Lucas. A good example of this is Boba Fett. EU says he lives, Lucas says he died.

I agree, but until it is contradicted, its word is law.


It's like with the history on Earth. It's true until it's disproved. Happened many times thru the centuries, but we don't stop believing the history books just because they could be false. ;)


Irrespective of what these authors and whatnot say, as I said, they are wrong, and nothing is going to change my opinion on the matter.

You're entitled to your opinion, but you can't force people to disregard established facts and replace it with assumptions. You need something more solid to do that, and so far you don't.


As for Star Trek, thing is they are comparable in that regard. Star Trek always has been and always will be better than the SW OT, not sure about the PT though. :)



Be gone from these forums, you heathen you! :p



Kidding of course. :D



That comment does make me wonder how you became such a fan of Star Wars though. :)

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I say if he likes Start Trek better, kick him out.


Windu - Check out the Essential Guide to Vheicles and Vessels. It is called a Blockade Runner there and it says that it is built by CEC. Alderran, before it was blown up, never had any form of space construction. Senator Organa was the Prince Consort (semi - King) of Alderran. So he had the money to be a Corellian Corvette.


A "real life" argument...if the UK buys several F - 16 Jets from the US...they are yes, in service of the RAF...but they are still US F - 16 Fighter Jets.


I agree, stop this now before something bad happens to you. It's not a good idea to contradict everything everyone says.

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After all, they could have just dismantled their shipyards they they disarmed.


Alderran never had shipyards. From the start they were peaceful. Because if they did, wouldn't you think that the Prince Consort of all people would have a ship?!?


Also, if such a planet had shipyards, wouldn't it have been eaiser for everyone escaping Naboo in Ep I to head to Alderran than Tattooine? Why go to a barbaric desert world when you can go to a civilized world? Forget about Skywalker.

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Okay, that doesn't make any sense at all. :confused:


Alderran and Tattooine are close. Why go to Tattooine, a barbaic and hostile desert unfriendly to the Republic, when you can go a few more days and go to Alderran...a friendly Republic world where you know you can get your Hyperdrive fixed, or at least a new ship instead.

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