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Radiant won't open


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I could just cry.


As many of you know, I have been attempting to create a levelset in Radiant/BehavEd. As you also know, it is going well, but with major hitches along the way. Now, I cannot open Radiant. I tried deleting and reinstalling Radiant 1.4, but I still get this:


When I open Radiant, I see this:


The editor binary (1.4.0) doesn't match what the latest setup has configured in this directory. Make sure you run the right/latest editor binary you installed.

C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\

Check http://www.qeradiant.com/faq/index.cgi?file=219 for more information.


Button: OK

Button: GO TO URL


If I click on go to URL, it crashes. If I click on OK, it closes, and when I open it again:


Found the file C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\radiant.pid.

This indicates Radiant failed during the game selection startup last time it was run.

Choose YES to clean Radiant's registry settings and shut down Radiant.

WARNING: the global prefs will be lost if you choose YES.


Button: YES

Button: NO


Choosing no does nothing, choosing yes allows me to see this next time I start up:


The editor binary (1.4.0) doesn't match what the latest setup has configured in this directory. Make sure you run the right/latest editor binary you installed.

C:\Program Files\GtkRadiant-1.4\

Check http://www.qeradiant.com/faq/index.cgi?file=219 for more information.


Button: OK

Button: GO TO URL


And so I go in circles. What is wrong, here? I can't follow the URL, it just crashes Radiant.

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I installed it to the same folder. OK, I'm going to remove it completely, and try again, because there was no option. It just gave me the option to Repair and Uninstall. Lemme try again.


EDIT - Ah, yes! It is open!


I have no idea what caused it to do that, but maybe I should save a copy of the install. :)

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