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Boarding ships?


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Would be cool.... i loved Boarding actions in X-Wing/Tie-Fighter oder XvsT or or or....


With damaged Weapons and destroyed Engines a Ship would be incapacitated and a good target for boarding.


Maybe if not in the Game at the beginning, it would be a good to-do-in-expansion thing.

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My guess is that you need some ship with ion cannons and disable it with them. It would be the most obvious but crippling their shields and engines is another possibility.


Boarding would be fun, but it has to remain realistic. I don't want a small 10 men Rebel Commando capturing an ISD with a full contingent of troopers.

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Thats the idea, it should go on the units battle backgrounds. You should also be able to train boarding parties. If a boarding party of 200 battle hardend vetrains storm a ship they should be able to take it with simple force. One problem would be, Let the player watch the fighting on the inside, or have it be a automatic thing?

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My guess would be automatic - it would be to hard to implement haviong to creat the entire interior of a SD just on the chance it might be boarded - unless only certain ships can be boarded that is then is becomes possible - barely. Also would you be able to keep them? A rebel fleet with only two rebel ships and 3 SD's could look a little stupid and ruin the feel. I'm hoping we can launch pods with commandos inside to take over and disable ships once their sheilds are down but we can't use then in battle. That's my two cents.

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I think you will be able to board a ship but to do so you would have to take out a the ships shields, then you have to launch a shettle, then it has to survive the trip to the other CAptial ship, which is pretty hard. but i wonder if fighters can land in the captial ship like on battlefront 2

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I doubt it - I fighter couldn't carry enough people to sway the battle. Besides I'd want my fighters shooting at something, not performing risky docking manouvers while under enemy fire, if there is boarding I believe it would have to be carried out by specially armoured and dedicated ships or the usage of boarding parties in drop-pods.

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What would be the point of taking over the ship if you can't use it in battle? It has happened more than once in real life. Why not in the SW universe? If its a commando squad to just disable the ship then ya I'd see why you shouldn't have it, but I personaly woul try to keep it. It would be a big stratigic move.

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Im suddenly having second thoughts about boarding ships cause some ships carry whole armies on them. For example you would need a whole squad of transports to capture a SD and getting a that many transports in the ship, if they fit, would be killing more of your men before they can even fight.

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CRS, which ship are you thinking of there?


The only CRS abbreviation I know of is for the word Cruiser.

I think that's what you mean? Cause I see you used the Frigate abbriviation (FRG) when adressing the Nebulon-B Frigate aswell.


Combat Multiview Display names...


CRS = Mon Calamari Cruiser (all types)

FRG = Nebulon - B Frigate


You would have to play the X/W series games to know what they stand for.


I have a list of them ready to go if any one wants to sticky it.

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I only think it would be hard to use a SD for example - how would the Rebellion know how to repair and maintain the tech? While they could given time, I think the ability to launch strikes against key targets like their lasers or tie-fighter bays from the relative safety of droppods would be highly useful compared to approaching and having to disable then with fighters or capitol ships which are comparitivly expensive, yes greater lives might be lost in a boarding action but the result is cheaper than sending in ships and having to repair them later.

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Yes, but FRG is short for Frigate no doubt. :)


And there are alot of frigates out there. So it tends to confuse. Just say Nebulon-B (or even N-B, I'm sure we'll get it) so we know what you're talking about. FRG could also mean the Lancer Frigate, since basically it is a Frigate too.


It's a loooong time since I was able to play the old games. ;)

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In pre-X-Wing Alliance games (I think), CRS stood for the standard Calamari Cruiser.

CRL was the designation for the Light Calamari Cruiser.


Forgot about the CRL. Thanks. And it is in X/W Alliance too.



Yes, but FRG is short for Frigate no doubt.


And there are alot of frigates out there. So it tends to confuse. Just say Nebulon-B (or even N-B, I'm sure we'll get it) so we know what you're talking about. FRG could also mean the Lancer Frigate, since basically it is a Frigate too.


L/FRG stands for Lancer Frigate. FRG is the Nebulon - B and M/FRG is the Modified Nebulon - B Frigate.

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If they give you the option to target specific sub-systems like the shields or engines then there should be the option to capture the ship otherwise its completely pointless. It would make the game a hell of alot better. imagines having ISD in the Rebel Fleet, i know that actually happens but it still would be cool and Mon Cal Cruisers in the Imperial Fleet if you wanted to.

How cool would that be.

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