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Gah Help!


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I've been playing Monkey Island 3 tonight using ScummVM but when it came time to load the second disk I had a problem and had to restart the game. When I restarted I went to load my last save but I accidentally hit alt 1 instead of ctrl 1 so now my save game is gone ='(. Does anyone have a scummvm save game for the section that starts either right before you need to use the second disk or right after? Please, I don't want to redo half of the game again. :(

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  • 3 months later...

If you go here, you should be able to get all the saves you want, although I'm not sure if they will work in SCUMMVM. As it is, I currently can't gain access to my COMI game, it being a good 400 miles away from me, so I can't get you the savegame myself.


Could I just say, the problem you had does happen a lot with this game and I'd suggest running the game fully off of your Hard Drive (look at the SCUMMVM documentation for instructions on how to do this) so you don't get another error when it comes time to chage disks.

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