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Another Starwars title that they could have done....


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like ever played that kinda new game, where u controlled a naval ship where u had the 1st person view, u controlled the guns etc? forgot the name of it.


well i wonder how well this game would turn out if they chose to do it, imagine like not a completely freedom strategy game like this game will be, imagine ur a admiral, u start out small like ur in charge of a scourt group like just a frigate, u control it first person view such as the control room, other rooms and you command it on a map to do its mission, thru missions u work ur way all the way til ur a grand admiral where ur like in a Stardestroyer, with a fleet of others under ur control. Ur perspective during battles etc is the deck, but theres other rooms in the ship u can vsiit such as the hanger etc, u go to the radar room or whatever and thats where on a map u can go control the other ships in ur fleet to do in abttles, control what fighters etc u want to be launched etc. I can see like missions where u have a whole sector of space to hyperspace/fly around to do a mission, not restricted in one area, and you do all sort of missions such as probe droids etc to discover unknown areas of space where the rebels might be, like as you move on and do god u get rewardded better ships, fighters and men to fight for u. Kinda like that submarine game that just came out, maybe called "silent hunter III?"


Can u guys see where im heading, a game like that, like the startrek game where u had ur whole crew on deck to help control and lead ur forces. I think this would be a great game, but im happy with empires at war.

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great idea. i still think starwars is lacking of roleplaying games (kotor(2) wasnt too much roleplaying imho ;( ... swg aint roleplaying at all)


and - i guess - roleplaying would be an important part in that sort of game you just described, sithxace

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The sub game your talking about is called Enigma:Rising Tide. I own it cool game. But a game like that for the starwars universe would own. You could start out as a single pilot and go to being a commander of a SSD or the DS. What would be even more cool would be if it was online. You go in, sign up for duty. And it would be huge battles all the time. The online play would be kinda like NavyField, but with the firstperson prespective inside the bridge giving commands. So you dont control the entire fleet yourself you give orders to the other players and they complete those orders. The ranking system would be like Face of Mankind where you get promoted by a higher ranking officer if you're doing good. With that rank a new batch of ships open to you. Once you do that you must have earned the money to buy and equip it. You would go to a docking bay, from there you would hire new men and more guns. Then you would have to do mission to earn money or destroy enemy ships. You would have on the docking bay a cantina area where you walk around in a FPS type unvierse so you can talk with other players and stuff like that. When in combat your ship can be boarded and taken over. If taken over you must find a new ship.(No prisioner stuff for it would be too complicated.) If your ship is destroyed you have to wait 24hours RealLife time untel your ship is repaired and able to sail again. This would stop people from just acting stupid in combat. The members of the boarding party can watch there men fight or go with them him/herself. (Deffence only) Once they have choisen to do this, they have control over there men like the rebublic commando game. Either way this game would be a big hit. What do you think?

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Relax guys I'm joking. It's only grammar, as long as its legible who cares, right?


Anyway yeah I've had thoughts about a game like that myself, a sort of silent hunter set in Star Wars. No doubt it would be brilliant, especially if multiplayer could be implemented.


Unfortunately Lucasarts is very unlikely to ever publish something like that. It's too "mature" a project for them. No, Lucasarts seems to cater solely to console/arcade gamers these days with a few exceptions (EAW).

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Ghost- Please use paragraphs. It makes it easier for everyone to read.


Relax guys I'm joking. It's only grammar, as long as its legible who cares, right?


It's not a question of being legible or not but how seriously you want to be taken. A well written post looks more serious then one which is badly done.


Just saying...

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It's not a question of being legible or not but how seriously you want to be taken. A well written post looks more serious then one which is badly done.


Just saying...


I understand what your trying to say but alot of people generally don't like being corrected on their grammar. It's just not a good way to make friends. It usually derails a topic like it's doing now and/or starts flames. :)


well theres one way to get em to start focusing on these games again, and that is everybody buy eaw, cause money is what drives em, if they make lots of moneyt sellin a game like eaw, believe me they will make another.


I love RTS games and Star Wars so EAW is looking pretty good. I even liked Galactic battlegrounds; don't know why many didn't. AOE crossed with Star Wars!? Great combination. I guess EAW is the 'unofficial' sequel. It's made by C&C guys though; AOE's long time Arch rivals for the RTS throne. :p


What I think we need is a Star Wars RTS made by blizzard, now that would be great. Well I'll keep on dreaming.. :spin:

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see i neber played the battlegrounds, im not even into AOE3. like because yea building is fun and makin units and fighting, but after playuin games like total war with huge massive armies with the same elements of strategy, just makes AOE3 ok. I first saw the graphics for AOE3 and i was like wow amazing, but later found out its like a hometown for every civ, not like an actual city u built urself. I played age of kings etc and man they are fun online etc, but dunno just not into aoe3 or the battleground.


I didnt like battlegrounds pretty much cause of the scale of the units. Like a ATAT a bit bigger than a trooper? wtf? See so like if the scale is wrong in this game eaw, i wont like it but still love the game, but i heard there was a option u can edit on scale for units.

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