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How many people have gotten the dvd?


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Got it. ;)



As far as sales figures, it may be hard to tell, because I think Lucas's company is again combining the sales of the DVD with SWBF2, in a sneaky effort to make both appear more successful than they are. ;P



I doubt they would have to fudge numbers on either to make them impressive. :giggle1:

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And yet they're doing it. Which makes me think either the DVD is not selling as well as they'd hoped, or SWBF2 isn't. Though I'd put my money on SWBF2 sales being lower than expected.


Either that or they are EXTREMELY INSECURE and feel they have to pull this stunt a second time just like they did with the Star Wars Trilogy Box Set / Star Wars Battlefront.


Why else would they not publish the seperate figures? The two products were released on the same day, but they were not packaged together. Both products in fact suffered as a result of being rushed to be released on the same day. To my mind it's a dishonest and destructive marketing ploy. I wonder if its transparency is actually fooling anyone...?


That'd be like taking something you know will sell and something that won't and combining the sales to make it look like the crappy thing is doing well.



Let's see I'm going to release 'Gone with the Wind' DVD on the same day as 'Gigli' DVD!


Now let's say combined sales were 20 million! ('Gone with the Wind' sold 19,999,999 copies, and 'Gigli' only sold one, which I bought myself). So I just publicize the 20 million figure and call the move a success.


See the problem? ;P

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by 2007 I should be just about done with film school, and I'll convince George Lucas to let me make Episodes VII, VIII, and IX.


here's hoping! hope you'll keep posting here during the production! :twogun:


...and i'm waiting for any news of a prequel box (gold would look real nice next to the silver ot one) - now a release date would make a nice xmas present from Lucas!

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There isn't going to be a prequel boxset, the only boxset that'll come out will be the saga set. You guys need to learn to read.


Edit: Since some people are having a hard time comprehending a simple post.


We already have topics where people talked about what they'd like in post-RoTJ movies. There is to be no more of that, whether or not you believe Lucas is going to make another trilogy or not is of no concern. Someone always brings up NJO and it turns into a flame war.


So as I said before, none of that ****.

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