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2 states down, 48 to go!


Lt. Governor Tim Kaine (VA), a Democrat, and now-former US Senator Corzine (D - NJ) won their respective Governor races. Corzine held one of two NJ Senate seats, and now, must appoint someone to replace him as he assumes the Governorship.



2006 will see the fall of the Republican Party. This is just the start!



:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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Why don't you like the Republicans?


And in related news, Kwame Kilpatrik won Mayor of Detroit (again). A lot of people who were not from Detroit weren't happy, including my government teacher at school today. Apparently last night he was losing like 60-40%, but that obviously changed.

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I don't like the GOP for several reasons.


The first being that the President lied on several occasions.

  • In South America, he said, "We don't tourte." All while the VP was going around demanding that the CIA start.
  • The Iraq War (need I explain)
  • The CIA Leak. Did so just to get back at Wilson and violated the Nat'l Security Act.
  • Tom Delay


Secondly...abortion and Gay Rights. I'm neither gay nor a woman...but I stand for both of those. A woman (regardless of the situation) has a right to an abortion and Gays are deserving of the same Civil Liberties that all US Citizens are granted. Including marriage. It is not for the government to decide who can and cannot get married.


Third...Gun Control. Assault Weapons need to be banned and the Gun Industry and vendors must be held liable for deaths that are caused because someone was not check properly or through other illegal activity. Guns are different from cars and that was the GOP reaching out on their typical limb.


As for the V. President...

He stepped way over his authority and harassed other Executive Office officials to make them start to toutre people. How can we expect rouge nations like China and N. Korea to not tourte our citizens when we authorize it?


One "GOP" policy I do agree with however is State's Rights. The 10th Amendment needs to be enforced with things like Education.

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Third...Gun Control. Assault Weapons need to be banned and the Gun Industry and vendors must be held liable for deaths that are caused because someone was not check properly or through other illegal activity. Guns are different from cars and that was the GOP reaching out on their typical limb.

Actually, we were discussing this issue in my government class yesterday, and I didn't know this, but it turns out Bush did want the assult weapons ban to be renewed. But I guess not enough other congressmen felt the same way.

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Third...Gun Control. Assault Weapons need to be banned and the Gun Industry and vendors must be held liable for deaths that are caused because someone was not check properly or through other illegal activity. Guns are different from cars and that was the GOP reaching out on their typical limb.


First, the problem with the assualt weapon ban is that by all it's implications a shotgun with a flashlight attached is an assualt weapon. Making the ban rather stupid.


Second, holding the gun industry liable because a dealer doesn't do a background check and the purchaser has no sense of responsibility is retarded and it's exactly like when people the sue car companies because the drunk driver was driving a certain type of car.


Third, in the comparison, a car is not different from a gun.


Also, 2006 six won't see **** except more politicians being dicks.

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Well, a car is different from a gun in most respects. :)


First of all, there's the obvious design differences. :D

Secondly, and more seriously :) a gun is made for one specific thing: To kill, or scare people into submission by threat of killing. Some guns are also made for hunting. But most assault weapons are made for what I said in mind.

Cars are for getting from A to B.

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But cars have been used with intenet to kill. So should we penalize the Ford motor company? Aston Martin? Cheverolet?


No, because companies cannot be held responsible for the irresponsibility of a person.


You can sell a car to a felon...but not a gun. The gun industry is different.



And...to everyone:


Notice the Republicans (or GOP supporters) latched on to the Gun Control and not anything else. I listed several hot items and they picked Gun Control.

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But not in context of the comparison. People are saying you should sue a gun maker because the gun they made happened to be used in a murder, yet no one seems to sue a car company that's car was used to murder someone.


But that is like comparing donkeys to elephants.


It is illegal to sell a gun to a felon. Therefore, if the sellers don't check out the buyer, then they must be held accountable. If not through civil action, then much tougher criminal action.


The Gun Industry is the only idustry to be awarded such protection. Yes it is our 2nd Amendment Right, I don't dispute that. However that amdendment came from the King not allowing the colonists to form small armies to defend themselves from the Native Americans, French, and Spanish...not to go hunting.

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But that is like comparing donkeys to elephants.


It is illegal to sell a gun to a felon. Therefore, if the sellers don't check out the buyer, then they must be held accountable. If not through civil action, then much tougher criminal action.

... I don't disagree about gun sellers being held accountable. I'm talking about the gun makers.


The Gun Industry is the only idustry to be awarded such protection.

No, I believe we covered already that car companies don't get sued when their cars are used as a weapon in a murder.


And I could care less about the second amendment, it's one of the most retarded parts in the consitution.

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No, I believe we covered already that car companies don't get sued when their cars are used as a weapon in a murder.


But they should. They should require of their sellers to follow the law. Guns are much different than cars. A car, by legal terms, is not an assault weapon.


Why don't we talk about abortion...seeing as how this topic has hit a stalemate.

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But they should. They should require of their sellers to follow the law.

Gun makers don't license the dealers though, the state does. A gun maker has no leverage on a dealer in any manner.


A car, by legal terms, is not an assault weapon.

Neither is your average handgun or shotgun, by law it was only when you modified the weapon, such as a flashlight or ducktape on the stock.


Why don't we talk about abortion...seeing as how this topic has hit a stalemate.

Okay, let's talk about abortion.

I support it.

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But, according to Jefferson and the Dec. of Independence (<sp?), we are entitled to three basic rights. I hope I don't have to point those out.


How can we expcet "personal responsibility" to protect those rights? Isn't it a basic responsibility of government to protect its citizens? What's a government if there aren't any citizens to support it?

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Exactly where did I say the government shouldn't enforce the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? I'm talking about things like public drunkenness, seatbelts, safety warnings for products such as "do not use slip 'n' slide without water.", etc.


I see no reason to legislate common sense or any other such things. Gun control I believe in, but the problem is nearly every law created is flawed.

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