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Thanks RA2 fans!

Lord JayVizIon

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

My favorite trick with the demo truck.


1 subdue the enemy base. Removing all defenses.


2. Send in demo trucks. Arrange them so when one goes off, it begins a chain reaction.


3.Set one off and watch as the base is destroyed.


Here's what i do.


1. Put 6 (or more) demo trucks in a spot near the base in the trees so that they enemy can't see them.


2. Put them in three groups of 2


3. Tell group one to attack a target


4. Wait 10 seconds or so and tell the next ones to go


5. Wait again and then tell the next ones to go.


6. Say good-bye to the base


That waty works even with some base defenses. Its great because it sets off the next pair of nukes almost immediately after the first radiation field goes away. If you time it just right then it doesn't eave anything in the base at all.

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

i just got it yesterday thanks to the few people who recommended it to me, and this is a VERY SOLID game compared to the first C&C games i played back in the day. graphics are somewhat better, unit movement is better, and i like the units in the game.


however, this is a very different game from your traditional rts b/c it seems somewhat more simplified: (1) ore is your prime resource (2) there are no formations that i know of (3) not much of an emphasis is placed on economy as it was with aok and sc.


i still feel that aok is the most technical rts, sc was the most innovative, but ra2 is probably ranked 4th on my list b/c it is pretty solid and fun to play!!!


btw, anyone down for a multiplayer game sometime?


Told you...By the way if I play you in multiplay you would have to download the DeeZire mod. Which was highlighted in PCGamer as the best mod since counterstrike...


The cheapest strategy that I've found that is pretty much unbeatable is IVF+CronoLegioner=Fortified time earaser. Support those IFVs with some Grizzlies or Abrams then you have a solid win... [edit2] Abrams are in the DeeZire Mod[/edit2][/edit]

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

the deezire mod makes the game soooo much better:)


i think i like the game better without it

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Guest Thrawn

I LOVE RA2! I would play it ANYTIME!!! Check out my avatar. I am Allies, but I may change to Yuri's team, when YR comes out in ONLY 2 DAYS! Yippeeeeeeeee! Ok, sorry about that. :D

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Guest Thrawn




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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Luke Skywalker

Yours will have less bugs


or just a new box cover....:D


They didn't want to release it with the cover in America b/c of what happened, but i guess they didn't bother with it in other countries.

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Guest Admiral Odin

For fun, (in RA) me and a couple of friends decided to play with Demo trucks.


We had the entire map lined with them. Set one off and bomb, a chain reaction (a very nice one at that. :D)


Whole map, nothing survived.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

For fun, (in RA) me and a couple of friends decided to play with Demo trucks.


We had the entire map lined with them. Set one off and bomb, a chain reaction (a very nice one at that. :D)


Whole map, nothing survived.


For fun (in RA2) i decided to pile up about 100+ troops and some buildings in a small area and then i fired a nuke right into the middle of them. It was awesome, i have screenshots too.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

yes post the screen shots. I like watching the soldiers run around on fire :D


they run around with green goo on them. But i forgot to take it after, i just took one right before the nuke torched them. It still looks cool though.


I'll post them when i get a chance.

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Yeah, C&C rocks

The original one was the best, what with all the Oblesiks and Ion Cannons

And of the lot, it was the best looking and the most realistic, no time warp crap, or mind control


by the way a funny thing to do is to take over a cow with Yuri, then Ivan it with tnt and watch cow dissapear!:D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Play on a map with lots of animals and get an army of them and have ivan tnt em just out side an enemys base then send em in and there like mini demo trucks! Its soo funny:p

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funny, i wrote a simple thank you and didn't think i'd get 45 responses to it:D


anyhow, i probably will lose b/c i've only played two times since i got last thursday, but pretty much with whoever i play i just want someone to teach me instead of pulling a rush, talking trash, and then disappearing without me learning something from them. just let me know how it goes if anyone wants to play.......

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