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Some Questions I have


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Ummmm this is my second post so plz dun judge me and also if these questions have alredy been asked and answered i'm sorry for wasting your time. Anyway Straight to the point.


The questions i have are as follows

Why does the time line end before ROTJ whats wrong with starting before a new hope and ending at ROTJ.


I know all you people are looking forward to it in America and Europe and I Know the release date for you is in febuary but i'm all the way Down Under ( in Australia ) when is the release date for Australia gonna be or will it be the same as every 1 else.


Will this game be mod friendly for people who don't wish to go out and buy it but wish to get it via other methods ( i don't think i need 2 state these metohods ) hem hem and if not and i choose 2 buy it how will i mod it ?


Thx for your time taken to answer my questions sorry if these questions have already been asked but i'm new 2 this site so dun judge me.

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Hello Jason


Why does the time line end before ROTJ whats wrong with starting before a new hope and ending at ROTJ.

This is just how the game was designed. I guess you'd have to ask the game designers this.


Will this game be mod friendly for people who don't wish to go out and buy it but wish to get it via other methods ( i don't think i need 2 state these metohods ) hem hem and if not and i choose 2 buy it how will i mod it ?

Yes, the game will be mod friendly. However, I am going to have to ask you to refrain from discussing illegal methods of acquiring Empire at War, or any game for that matter. You won't be able to mod the game without purchasing the game first.


Since you're new, I would suggest reading the Forum Rules.




And 2 all the ppl crapping on about a expansion wait till they get this 1 done first you morons jesus h christ be greatful for wat ya geting.

I'm going to have to demand that you don't post like this any longer or your stay here at Lucasforums is going to be shorter than expected.


EDIT: ^ I was referring to the part about morons, not your spelling, just FYI

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