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SP WIP: The Rift Valley


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I practiced on one of my pathways. It's a nice, purty curve, but I have to throw it out, it's not what I wanted. I mean, I did want to do this, but not in that particular spot. I forgot to include thickness of trim. The way I see it, this place can be a work of art. You know those pathways in t3_rift? Why not make at least the trimmimg curve? The answer would be that it botched up the textures to all hell. But I have a black rock trim here, so not too much will be noticed.


Thanks, wedge. Full steam ahead!

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Texture on curves aren't hard, though they may be less intuitive. You have to use the patch inspector (SHIFT+S) rather than the surface inspector (S). Hitting "Natural" will make the texture "follow" the curve, hitting "cap" will project the texture onto the curve from one side (good for caps and flat patches on the floor, but not for walls). You can also rotate/scale/translate/fit textures as usual...but the behavior of those particular commands changes depending on whether you picked natural or cap.

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