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Star Wars vs STAR TREK


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  Darth Moeller said:
I would have to say that a game like that would turn into an intergalactic flame war between the SW fans and the trekkies :xp:

i agree. but i want kill some trekk's hehe. for me this wouldnt be that much, since my favourite part of SW arent the ships, but the JK's. And the bigger part of ST are the ships... i never like too much 'ship battles' i aways prefer ground assaults

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ha starwars always...i believe tv series ruin the stories and the whole feel/movie cause of the low budget quick and short ways of continuing the story or universe etc. Thats why i catious with the whole starwars tv series in the futur, hope they oput a lot of time, money and budget into it. Like top notch CGI and actors and stories. Plus withgout it you will only see the starwars unviverse slowly fade away

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