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Please give hints for turning party members into jedi here.


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You got Atton by taking to the Twi'Leks on Nar Shadda, then talking to Atton about it (on Nar Shadda still). YOu need influence, too.

To train handmaides, you have to finish all three combat training things, then talk to her about her mother being a Jedi (you learn this from Kreia). You need influence to do it.

Mira is trained by talking to her about her past, eventually ending up with you saying that "Kreia once showes [you] how ot listen to the Force...". Then you offer to show her what you mean, and you take her to the place on Nar Shadda where Kria talks about the "heart of Nar Shadda". She then asks you to train her as a Jedi.

I don't know how I trained Bao-Dur. Ask Achilles. He'll know for sure.

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