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I have no choice but to conclude that the JA playerbase is full of...

Lathain Valtiel

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Heh. Once, I was in a JA+ honorz game (didn't know it was honorz at the time, but found out after Grapple Hooks caught my eye) and I was refusing to use Grapples or Jetpacks, and still doing well in their TFFA. I was on the... blue team, was it?... and I wan running around with my Saber Staff, since I had just respawned and all I had was the saber, the DL-44, and a pack of Dets. This guy on my team follows me around, and he starts SWINGING AT ME IN RED STANCE. Keep in mind, in TFFA, my saber color was the same as his, and even though I had a custom skin, my blade color should give me away.


I gave him the benefit of the doubt and ignored it. But he keeps swinging. Then, a Red Team Red Stancer tries that Death From Above move just as my "teammate" tries the same move on me. I simply roll out of the way. Then they call me pathetic. Great. Now I'm facing two opponents who aren't afraid to spam and/or TK. I end up sabering the red team guy, then I get fed up with the traitor. I saber him, too, taking no less than 98 HP damage doing so. Then, my "teammate" whines about it and I get kicked.


Now, if that isn't proof that honorz guys are nuts, nothing does

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MM, yeah, I'd love to be able to not have my skin restricted to a certain color, BUT I can see why it's done. I get shot at DESPITE my red skin by red team members and so on.

I think if we at least had the option to select a shade of the color. As it is generally your basic models look very fake having a solid shade of red/blue.

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I don't see why it's such a big deal. Every other FPS game I've ever played makes use of color coding for team based games.*


If people avoid team games because they don't like the look of the skins.. well, let's just say that's a pretty shallow excuse! At least the team colors aren't as bad as the ones in Rune/HOV (wherein they literally were just a shade applied to each model to tint it).


JA's Siege is unique in that it doesn't do that, but it restricts you even more to one skin for each class, so you know that all the Jedi Knights/Rebels are on one side and all the Sith/Imperials/Mercenary (aliens that look like the kind that hung out with Jabba the Hutt) are on the other. And you've still got the team beacons.


*A few games like the ever popular Counter Strike, America's Army and the two Battlefront games just give each team differentiated skin/characters. But by and large even today, FPS games rely on each team having distinctive coloration to differentiate them.


Not really, considering most go within the first 10 min.


Couldn't be any worse than the time I hosted my Republic Commando server (also titled Meatgrinder!) in which people would leave instantly (I'm guessing upon seeing my or any decent player or a map they didn't like). And due to a glitch in the game some people would "leave" who never entered (ie: it never showed their entering message, only their disconnecting message!) without a word!


And I hear ya about sore losers. Frankly though we don't need to reduce the time limits or score limits. CTF is short enough as it is. Some folks don't even realize we host it since it's so short!

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If people avoid team games because they don't like the look of the skins.. well, let's just say that's a pretty shallow excuse!

I still play TFFA and CTF, I just don't prefer them because I don't like the color restriction.


I don't whine about it however, unlike a lot of people that dislike gametypes.

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