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Sith Soldier Skin Problem

The Doctor

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I'm on Taris, and every time I see a Sith soldier, he looks like this:


What could the problem be?


My specs are (I don't know which ones are relevant, so I'll just list everything I can find):

OS: Windows XP Home Edition

Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600

OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation

Activation Status: Activation Pending [13 days remaining]

System Name: @#$%@#

System Manufacturer: INTEL

System Model: P4l45Gx_PE

System Type: X86-based PC

Processor: x86 Family Family 15 Model 3 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel~2392 MHz

BIOS Version/Date: American Megatrends Inc. P3.00, 6/1/2004

SMBIOS Version: 2.3

Windows Directory: C:\\Windows

System Directory: C:\\Windows\system 32

Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1

Locale: United States

Hardware Abstraction Layer: Verison = "5.1.2600.2180 [xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158]

Username: @#$%@#\Owner

Time Zone: Eatern Standard Time

Total Physical Memory: 512.00 MB

Available Physical Memory: 309.75 MB

Total Virual Memory: 2.00 GB

Available Virtual Memory: 1.96 GB

Page File Space: 1.20 GB

Page File: C:\\pagefile.sys

I'm not sure where to find my graphics card specs, but I think it's a 64MB, and it came with the computer, so it's probably an INTEL.

I can't check the image file itself, as KOTOR Tool won't open anything.

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Hmmm... with very old graphics cards, some skins and other things in KOTOR will not work properly. You said you have a 64 MB card? That's a very old one. This is a skin you downloaded, right? Not how the Sith look naturally?


Also, you might want to have posted this at Holowan. That's where modding is discussed.

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It has always been that way since I got a new computer upstairs.

I have no skins named N_SithSoldier in their, but I do have two called T7_chrome and T7_chrome1. Could they be the problem?

I'm also wondering if it could be my drivers. I will update them (if I can figure out how - I may be a Time Lord, but Earth technology is outrageously confusing).


EDIT: I jsut tryed upgradeing my graphics drivers, but their was no update available. Should I roll back?

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No, the T7 files aren't your problem. I think I know what it is know. After looking at the files for the Sith soldier skins in KOTOR tool, that's actually how they look naturally. However, a baremetal texture is applied that causes them to look shiny. Most graphics cards can handle it, but in your case, your graphics card isn't quite good enough. However, all is not lost! Go the workbench, and post your problem there; there is probably a means to solve it.

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