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Where is everyone??


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Ok so i logged on to my Ahazi toon and thought i'd respec to spy or something and go do some pvp, but when i got on coronet it was populated by 1 other person and they were just spamming for their shop so i tried mos eisley hmm 4 people 3 were jedi noobs and one again was just spamming :(


So i went all over tatooine hunting for people the only other person i saw on my travels was a lvl 90 jedi.


The NGE really has made a huge impact on the population its so lonely now :(

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"Sucks that bounty hunters cant hunt them these days otherwise i'd spend my time destroying them"


why not, now?


Its been taken out apparently, jedi used to go up on the bounty hunter terminals if they were caught showing off their powers in public it was a neat way of making the jedi hide like they should be in this time period

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I used to love being a Bounty Hunter, before the 2 big changes. It actually got me back into the game - that was actually fun! Of course, those 3 little words (f-u-n) meant that SOE had to nerf it, and they did.


You just are not allowed to have fun anymore, otherwise they will just change it.



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exactly, if this was set in the clone wars i wouldnt have a problem, but it isnt so any jedi should be hidden, i mean what the hell is with all these level 19 jedi or around that, who complain that they get killed too easy by people, i mean come on, i am level 52 and can take down lvl 80 jedi like most commandos and other ranged proffessions, do you not think there is a reason why they gave jedi to everyone, because they suck, the end.


if you want to do a favour for us all, then change your prof cause it spoils the game seeing like 50 jedi in mos eisly asking for directions to the cantina, either they make jedi harder to gain again or they put them back on the bounty terminals so that we can have fun killing all of the jedi, oh how fun would that be, hmm new poll i think.

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I also play on ahazi and have no problem running into people...in mos eisly, bestine, cornet, kaadra, theed, dearic, MO, etc, etc.


perhaps you logged on in the wee hours of the night when most of that server is sleeping or havnt woken up....or perhaps in the middle of a work/school day?



and Id like to chime in a bit:

the "movies" were only as factual as the information the Empire and characters had to work with. they could have been wrong. whos to say? if we wanted to start following cannon then the players who chose the Rebellion faction would really have a tough time and you wouldnt be discussing things like planetary control, faction armor for the rebellion, etc. fact is the movies were written in a point of view on the side of the rebellion and, if used as a basis of fact for SWG, could just as easily be called Rebel Propaganda films filled with lies. in order to use the movies to this extent you have to recognize that they were also wrong .


Also, Bounty Hunters, including Boba, were never said to have hunted Jedi at all--the Empire hunted them and, in the last two, was really only concerned with one. Even in episodes I and II BHs were never said to take bounties against Jedi....and only one out of the two we saw was able to hold his own for a spell, but would have lost then had it not been for his son and some heavy blasters. we all know his fate at the hands of windu.


Jedi in game:

so what. so what if there are Jedi en masse in game now. the profession is only a glimmer of what it was in the past and the lack of damage mitigation makes them easy as pie to anyone short of an entertainer or trader. and why target just them? where are all the elder BHs complaining that, now, BHs are a starter profession? no camping for wilderness exp...no investigation line to work on...no scout/marksman lines to deal with...why arent they complaining about all the N00bs who can just walk right in and take bounties with no work in front. same with commando? and smuggler? why just focus on glowsticks and force lightning? because they were some overbloated timesunk alpha class that required spasticated antics and months of grinding exp with zero contraints applied? is that why? is that why people complain about them so much?


perhaps if the Jedi class was left alone we would be hearing from the other professions more about how "easy" it is and see sign up sheets for Pre ## or Pre CU toon names so that they can feel special. bah..i have to get back to work.

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every profession is a clone, now. outside of levels, there is no difference from smuggler A and smuggler B; BH A and BH B; Jedi A and Jedi B; Officer A and Officer B. so i guess we should all just start wetting our spitters. And the current attitude towards Jedi has more to do with how some of the...cough..."elder" Jedi community are acting than any other action in game....they are no longer the Alpha Class they are used to and their egos havnt adjusted yet. so, they are upset, and i can appreciate their being upset. had i decided to spend all that time mindless hitting my attack macro as i went from mob to mob only to have all that "effort" wiped out in a single blow Id be a bit tiffed as well. hell, they are being owned by the little people of the galaxy now...that has truely got to be a kicker in the family makers.


but lets look at this in the grand scheme of gameplay: the Jedi class was just a big time sink..thats all. it only required the ability and the want to spend hours mindlessly grinding out first professions--which could be as little as 6 or as much as all of them--then just plan mobs. sure, there are the specifics that the various camps of Jedi will throw around....pre ## pre XXX post ## post XXX...they each have their little criteria as to what makes them the "true" jedi in this game. oh, and the poor souls that were |---| close with "one more unlock" and how they should be (insert title here) too and get all the rewards as well.


Id truely like to meet the bafoons that actually respected a player for actually grinding it out. I tend to respect players for how they play and carry themselves not based on their weapons of choice. and as ive said before, there are very few jedi in this game wither they be pre or post NGE...just a bunch of guys/gals with lighted swords, no damage mitigation, and the belief that, because they have the ability to grind, their egos and toons should match in intensity.


but this is just my opionion....oh, I am and always will be a Bounty Hunter.

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Good post, anyway heres something completely off topic, well slightly off anyway, wtf is with imperial wookiee jedi, i mean considering the timeline that really makes no sense, i just wish soe would add more restrictions and make players think about what species ect to start as, and add better and worse skill mods to each.

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i have never respected anyone for countless hours of gameplay and grinding


but i will tell you who i do respect


the jedi that have decided to stick with the game, not whine like small girls, and play to have fun


i understand why the ones that are upset are upset, and they have every right to be, i dont even care if they yell and scream at soe


but flaming in forums and ruining the game for everyone else is never a cool thing to do

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cercueil, not all jedi had macros and cheated. True many took advantage of a lot of things in the game and because they had the time could do the grind in months. Not me, we're talking years. In someway or the other (remember the halo wars?) I've been on that journey the entire game's lifespan. I didn't participate in the FRS cause it was nothing but fightclubs so I stayed at Knight. If anything you guys should appreciate the fact that SWG had promised us the possiblity of becoming a Jedi Knight, and no matter how many obsticles there were we knew at the end we would reap our own rewards. It wasn't fun soloing for months and months when the rest of the guild was doing events but in the end we knew we'd be able to contribute back 10 fold. Sony renigged. They have made the profession nothing at all like the movies now and from what I've seen, the galaxies biggest clowns not able to hold there own against anyone. I'd bet if we all knew back then that this was what it'd be now, very few would have endured all the ****. Perhaps that's their intentions.


So what do BHs do with their time now-a-days?

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