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Damn it


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Ok, my dear father went to his office this morning and in his mail was the Phone Bill eek.gif, meanwhile I was sleeping like a baby until there was a phone call for me; the person on the other line yelled: No more Internet for you

mad.gif ! DAMN IT ! mad.gif

The detailed phone bill is 9 pages long and the internet section takes 8 pages out of those 9!

Total internet payment for two month: more than 300$ (CAN) eek.gif (no to mention that my father is THE Mr. Scrooge)

Damn, in this country (Senegal) we have to pay by the time and the connection sucks mad.gif

An awful thing is that we still didn't get the december bill, that I suppose will be worst!

ok maybe it's just a warning (I hope) and he'll grant me a second chance, but I really, really, really doubt it

If I don't post anything during the first couple days of January then that means that the plug has been pulled. frown.gif



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited December 30, 2000).]

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uh.. dude.. get a job to pay for those bills.


and limit your online time.. otherwise you will get NO online time.


Which would you rather have.. some or None? face the facts you cannot get the internet for free. Now i got a free cable modem but that is becasue my dad works for the cable company

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Guest Forceflow

Don't you hate those people? They have the perfect internet connection and get it for free and then they tell you to get up from your lazy butt and work to get a crappy connection that costs you too much?



Murphy was an optimist!

Webmaster of the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project

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Unless you don't have anybody to support your lazy butt. They you're screwed. biggrin.gif



"I believe it's my God given right

To destroy everything in my sight

Cause it never gets dull, it never gets old

The only thing it gets is more bold."

--One Fine Day, by THE OFFSPRING


Darth Sceltor

The Outer Rim

Jedi Master Plo Koon

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Guest Falconguy

Get a cable modem. Might even be cheaper than yer ole 56k.


Now, if only I could convince my dad to get me a cable, but sadly local calls are free for me.



And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale, horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

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Guest rosencrantz

reverse street performing.

if you're are really AWFUL, people will pay you to STOP! biggrin.gif

i am brilliant *does the raised eyebrows thing* <font size=1>


[This message has been edited by rosencrantz (edited December 31, 2000).]

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Guest SadShadow

if you want i can sell my sister and sell you back the money jejejejej biggrin.gif


well 70% and 30%?

its okey with ya?

ill keep the 70% of the winings biggrin.gif




"Im becoming less human..."



The Lone Shadow Wing

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Guest Thrawn

Net Zero is starting to limit access now I hear. I've got 3 different ISPs that are free. I found free DSL as well.



"Noobies Suck"


Rogue 6

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Guest Falconguy

What are those ISPs? I WANT FREE DSL!



And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale, horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

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