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PC race mod?


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hey all

i've been browsing posts for the past hour or so, and i haven't been able to find quite what i was looking for.

that is, any mods that change the PC's race.

i'm wondering if any (good ones) are out there, and if any could be made.

i downloaded one model pack called carnivalmod i think, but it didn't work.

so yea, if anyone can offer some help, it'd be pretty sweet. thanks.



Edit: All right, I found a mod that kinda helps. It allows you to be twilek, some reptillian thing (not rodian), a few npcs i think, and those demonheaded guys. if anyone knows of any others you can be, it'd help.

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alright, seeing as no one responded to the first post, i figured maybe i'd be better off editing it...


so what races can you get to through mods?

i already know you can get the twilek, the devarnion (sp?), and i think i saw a wookie one somewhere, but i'm not too sure...

any others?


it'd be pretty stellar if someone could get a sullustan one..

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You can use KSE. It allows you to change your PC and party members appearance to any other appearance in the game, including gizkas and sullustans.


However, you will find that these models do not necessarily have combat animations so they will just stand still during combat ( but damage will still be dealt).


KSE is available on our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php (or just click the banner at the top of the page)

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That's awesome, thanks a lot.


It seems as though most of the species I'd play as do have combat animations. However, none of them can outfit clothing, or have avatars. Not to complain, but are there any mods that take care of this?

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Nope, most of the alien NPC models are one piece, head and body, so they will never be able to display armor or clothing like the regular PC's/NPC's can. There are no portarits because they were never meant to be usable NPC's.


I don't believe anyone has made any portraits either... sorry. :(

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