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help with restrictions to powers and features


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how do i do that? i want to prevent a single npc from gaining certain pows/feats at level-up, just like Kreia can't have two-weapon fighting or a gray jedi master can't use inspire followers


Feats: In feat.2da, set the value in the column for that specific NPC (the column named as their tag) to 255. The value in this column is the level at which the feat becomes available to them. This will ensure they never get that feat.


Equipment slots: Change the equipslotslocked column in appearance.2da for the appearance type of the NPC. The value here is a sum of values for the equipment slots the player won't be able to change the contents of. The values, as far as I know, are:

Head (1)

Body (2)

Unknown (4)

Hands (8)

Right Weapon (16)

Left Weapon (32)

Unknown (64)

Left forearm (128)

Right forearm (256)

Implant (512)

Belt (1024)


Force powers: This is trickier. The behavior of the Inspire Followers and Crush Opposition force powers (becoming unavailable due to alignment) is hardcoded in the game as far as I can tell. At least I haven't been able to find any editable mechanism that controls this.


Thus, the best you can do is probably a pair of workarounds:

  • Denying use depending on alignment: You'd have to edit the impact script of the force power in question to prevent it from working when the character's alignment isn't within the allowed range. You can use the GetGoodEvilValue() function in a conditional check to determine this (0 = full dark, 100 = full light). This will not prevent the character from using the power though, it'll only prevent it from working. If you want to be nice you can "re-fund" their spent force points in the script if the power didn't take effect.
  • Preventing from picking at levelup: The only way I can think of is to create a passive "dummy" power (with the usertype column in spells.2da not set to 1 to prevent it from showing up in the list) that is a prerequisite for the force power that is to be restricted, and then grant that prerequisite power (either through script or by editing UTC templates) to all characters except the one who shouldn't get to pick the power at levelup.

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